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Damon Salvatore | |
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Damon Salvatore (Full Birth Name: Damiano Francesco Salvatore) is the tritagonist, anti-hero, foil for Stefan, and former antagonist of The Vampire Diaries. Damon was born October 30th 1469. Damon was born during the time of the Renaissance Period. He is of full-blooded Italian descent or ancestry. Like his younger brother Stefan, Damon came from a wealthy, aristocratic, rich, and noble Italian family. Damon is of noble blood, was born into wealth and was once very rich. Damon and his brother Stefan fell in love with a young and beautiful vampire named Katherine during the time of the fifteenth century. Both brothers became intense rivals and competitors for Katherine's love and affections. This only managed to cause the rivalry between the two Salvatore brothers to heat up rather intensely. Their already strained relationship since childhood became more hateful, vengeful and competitive with the competition over Katherine choosing between the two of them. Katherine sired Damon and Stefan. Therefore, she is the one who is responsible for turning the two of them into vampires.
Katherine did this by exchanging blood with the both of them. She felt that turning the brothers into vampires would help to bring the brothers closer together and resolve their lifelong rivalry, feud and hatred against each other. As for her choice between the brothers, Katherine had chosen both Damon and Stefan and wanted to live together happily for all of eternity as vampires. When Katherine's plan severely backfired and did not go as planned, she felt extremely guilty, betrayed and hurt that the two brothers would not end their rivalry and hatred with one another. As a result and as a consequence, Katherine ended up "committing suicide" (it was later on revealed that she planned it and had faked her death). Katherine had faked her death in the hopes that the brothers would finally come together, resolve their issues and grieve her loss together as brothers. This includes possibly rekindling their love for each other and their brotherhood.
However, her faked "suicide" only caused the Salvatore brothers to hate each other even more than was ever possible, and the both of them blamed each other for her death. Both brothers ended up fighting each other to their deaths, because of the two of them blaming the other for Katherine's death. Damon stabbed Stefan with his sword and killed him, ultimately sealing his fate and triggering his transformation into an immortal. However, Stefan also stabbed and killed Damon with the very little bit of strength that he had left, also triggering Damon's transformation into an immortal. Damon was twenty-one years young when he died as a mortal human and had become a vampire. Damon was buried alongside Stefan in the family tomb. They both woke up as new born vampires wearing the daylight rings that Katherine had administered to them. After Damon woke up from his tomb, he abandoned Stefan in the night and did not come into contact with him for years. Stefan ended up leaving Florence, deciding to get as far away from Damon as possible. Stefan did this because every time that Damon came into contact with Stefan, Damon would threaten Stefan that he would hurt, harm or kill him if he ever got in his way. Stefan also ran to try to escape his dark, painful and hurtful past. Stefan ended up (he was drawn there by some strong unknown force out of his control) randomly settling in a small American town called Fells Church (which is located in Virginia), so that he could renounce his life living in the shadows; attempting to live in the light amongst the humans. Later on, Damon inevitably (also by an unknown force out of his control) follows him to the town in attempts to cause chaos and trouble in the small town of Fells Church. He also plans on endlessly tormenting Stefan and making his life as miserable as possible. Damon sees that Stefan falls immediately, deeply, passionately and strongly in love with Elena Gilbert, a girl who happens to bear a striking physical resemblance to Katherine, the girl that the brothers fought to the death over many centuries ago. Out of jealousy, hatred and revenge against his younger brother, he strongly craved to make Elena his "Princess Of Darkness".
Physical Description[]
Physically, Damon is the arch masculine type. Damon is described as being abnormally gorgeous and handsome. He is darkly seductive, lustful and sexy. Damon strongly resembles his younger brother Stefan due to family relation. Damon has the good looks of an Adonis or a God. Damon attracts (and has attracted) many women to him (both in the past and in the present) like a moth to a flame because of his extreme sex appeal. Damon has a vibrant, youthful appearance because of the gift of immortality; therefore, he will never age or grow old like a regular human man. Damon has the eternal physical appearance of a young man in his early 20's, even though Damon's real age happens to be well over 500 years old. Damon has a seductive and dark romance novel appearance. He has a dark, lustful, seductive and compelling aura and a very dominant, strong and commanding appearance. Damon has a very big ego and a constant ongoing tendency to be vain, arrogant and proud, because of his Adonis-like good looks and his compelling, dominant and commanding appearance. He is frequently described to be hauntingly beautiful, handsome and drop dead gorgeous by many women, Elena, Bonnie and Katherine included. Damon has perfect, refined facial features. He has a strong, angular and masculine bone structure, including remarkably high cheekbones and a masculine jawline and chin with classic roman nose. Elena has described Damon to be physically gorgeous and Elena has frequently said that Damon is "inhumanely beautiful" and so has Bonnie (although it is assumed that Bonnie is not only speaking about his physical appearance, but also referring to Damon's entire being―meaning his soul, his aura and his essence). Damon has a smooth, flawless complexion because of his immortality. He is very pale skinned (because of his immortality), with a fine, straight, jet black shock of hair, which falls and curtains over his forehead. Damon's hair texture is soft and refined yet luxurious (although it is less thick and luxurious than Stefan's hair texture, which is wavy or curly). Damon has a pitch black eye colour. Damon's eye colour is the total opposite of Stefan's eye colour, which are emerald green in colouring. Damon's eye colour is described as the color of a crow, an obsidian stone, or the black midnight sky. Bonnie has mentioned throughout the series that his eyes are like a deep, dark night sky with many "stars" in them. Physique wise, Damon has a strong, stocky, compact yet well-built body. Damon has a slim, lean body with lithe, defined, hard muscles in his arms, chest and stomach along with broad or wide shoulders and narrow hips. A quote from The Awakening describes his physical appearance as follows: "He was remarkably good-looking. His face was pale in the artificial twilight, but she could see that his features were cleanly defined and nearly perfect under a shock of dark hair. Those cheekbones were a sculptor's dream." Damon is below average and shorter in height. He is 5'7" to 5'9" tall. Damon is quite a bit shorter than Stefan (who is approximately 5'9" t0 5'11"). Damon has a very strong physical resemblance to his younger brother Stefan because of their familial relation. This has been significantly noted by both Elena and . Elena describes this resemblance between Stefan and Damon in The Struggle: '"He (Damon) looked like Stefan. She didn’t know how she could have missed that before. He had the same dark hair, the same pale skin, and the same ‘disturbing’ good looks. But his hair was straight, not wavy, and his eyes were black as midnight, and his mouth was cruel." Damon often wears expensive clothing. He seems to favour wearing black coloured clothing. Damon often (but not always) wears black leather riding boots as footwear, black jeans, a black belt, a black sweater and a black leather jacket; however, he has been seen to wear white t-shirts with a black leather jacket on occasion. Like Stefan, Damon wears a large, silver lapis lazuli ring on either the index finger, the middle finger or the pinky finger of his left hand. The daylight ring was given to him by Katherine, so that he would be able to walk around in the sunlight during the daytime. Damon also wears a sterling silver chain around his neck with a pendant that has the Salvatore family crest on it. Overall, Damon has a dark, bad boy vibe that girls simply cannot resist.
Personality Description[]
Damon is Stefan's amoral, malevolent older brother. He serves as a foil for his moral, benevolent younger brother. Personality wise, Damon is sinister, dangerous, manipulative, jealous, selfish, proud, generally unkind, uncaring, cold hearted, ruthless and unsympathetic. Some of Damon's other basic personality traits include sadistic, unmerciful, remorseless, careless, cruel, arrogant and impulsive. Damon is a seductively charming and a very dark, compelling character. His history dates back to Renaissance Italy (fifteenth century). He is an extremely vain, selfish, proud and self-absorbed individual and he generally shows an unsympathetic and uncaring attitude towards others, especially humans. Over the many centuries that he has lived on Earth, Damon uses whatever and whoever he can to get what he wants; not caring about who he hurts in the process. Because of his highly vain and selfish personality, Damon often resorts to either the use of manipulation, threats, or direct coercion/force in order to get his own way and achieve his goals/agenda. However, when Damon does not get his way, he resorts to extreme reactions of anger, envy/jealousy, vengefulness, and intimidation. He generally acts flippant, arrogant, and constantly plays word games, especially when it comes to dancing around an issue, and even more especially when that issue involves his real, true feelings or his intentions on or about a serious subject (for example, such as his caring attitude towards humans and also, his deep, complex feelings for Bonnie). Damon doesn't appear to take life or anything too seriously (the complete opposite of Stefan, who always thinks before he acts and is always incredibly thoughtful); he seems to have a rather careless, impulsive approach to many things and situations. Damon has a very seductive and powerful aura and magnetism about him. He can be very dark, moody and brooding. Damon has a tendency to conceal his true emotions. During his human life, it appeared that Damon was always in the shadows of his younger brother Stefan and because of it, there was always a lot of jealousy towards Stefan on Damon's part due to the constant favoritism towards Stefan by many people. This included their father Giuseppe and his former vampire lover, Katherine Von Schwartzschild. It was also apparent that Damon didn't care much for his family, his home life and he never cared about responsibilities or ambitions whatsoever; the complete and total opposite of Stefan. Damon never took his academics, studies or school seriously and he was never a scholarly, academic individual by any means. In fact, instead of focusing on his ambitions like his brother Stefan, Damon was more interested in his unconventional hobbies such as gambling, jousting, sword fighting, womanizing, and hunting and hawking. Damon had never gotten along with his father, Giuseppe and he would always get into serious, intense and heated arguments and fights (mostly verbal and physical). Damon has intensely hated his younger brother Stefan since childhood for various unknown reasons in the very beginning of the series. However, it is stated in the series as to why Damon really hates Stefan and has hated Stefan for all of his life since their human lives. Stefan revealed (to Elena) in The Awakening, that Damon was very close to their mother who had died tragically when Damon was a very young human boy a few years after Stefan was born, when Stefan was just a very young infant. It is said in the series, again by Stefan, that Damon's (and Stefan's) mother died because of her giving birth to Stefan had caused her to become extremely weak, vulnerable, sickly and fragile physically and health wise. Stefan believes that because of the death of their mother due to her giving birth to him (Stefan) is where the initial hatred Damon has had for Stefan since childhood had came from. This has caused Stefan to feel extremely guilty because of it, although this was something that happened beyond Stefan's control. Aside from the tragedy of losing his mother as a young boy, Damon has also faced many, various issues of abandonment and abuse (physical, emotional and mental) caused by his father, Giuseppe. Stefan revealed later on in the series that their father used to abuse, hit and physically torment Damon, and that Damon and their father used to get into vicious, violent and stormy fights, mostly physical in nature. Most of the time during Giuseppe and Damon's fights, Giuseppe always happened to be intensely drunk and he would take out his anger and frustrations on Damon—most of the abusive behavior towards Damon stemmed from anger on Giuseppe's part and became significantly worse after Giuseppe's wife (Damon and Stefan's mother) had died. Giuseppe's wife's death had also caused Giuseppe to resort to severe alcoholism as well. When it comes to women, love affairs and the opposite sex, Damon is a certified Don Juan and he is a womanizer. He is highly appealing to women and he attracts them like a moth to a flame. Damon has said repeatedly that he is drawn to strong, dominant, powerful and very beautiful women (Katherine was an example of this and also, Elena). In terms of love and romance, he is the complete and total opposite of his brother Stefan and he has a much more different approach to love and romance then him. Whereas Stefan is more of a classic, hopeless romantic who has a rather idealistic, selfless, (but also very passionate) view and approach to love (very much like Romeo Montague), Damon is a very deep, intense, passionate, lustful, sexual and ardent lover. Damon has more of a practical, selfish, dark, strong, and intense view and approach to his love affairs. He is also highly prone to extreme jealousy/envy, possessiveness, obsessiveness, chauvinism and egoistic tendencies when it comes to the opposite sex.
Damon is described to be a highly selfish lover and he has the desire to possess women, especially strong, beautiful women. Damon has a rather shallow outlook on what real, true love is. Damon has described his ideal mate as very strong, very physically beautiful, powerful, passionate and strong willed (exactly the same as he describes himself). However, despite his highly intense, sexual and passionate nature, Damon can be highly capable of romanticism, tenderness, compassion and he can be highly affectionate (this tender, romantic side of Damon seems to only be displayed with Bonnie). Although Damon has had many love affairs and sexual affairs with various different woman during his life, he has never experienced real, true love at a much deeper level. Damon has an aristocratic, elegant demeanor and a very pragmatic outlook on life. He believes that the vampire nature is inherently dark, that they are natural hunters and predators who are meant to kill and therefore, he believes that Stefan's attempts to not kill and feed on humans are therefore unnatural. Whereas his brother Stefan feeds on the blood of animals (with the exception of feeding on Elena and her blood), Damon only feeds and lives on the blood of humans and has been living on a human blood diet since his early life as an immortal/vampire. Damon is a highly powerful individual and he is one of the strongest, and most powerful vampires residing on Earth. This is due to all of the consumption of human blood that Damon has taken in over the many centuries due to killing many innocent humans. Damon will take blood from any human and he will kill absolutely any human he wishes and desires, draining them of their blood. Damon has little to zero remorse for impulsively killing innocent humans for their blood; the complete and total opposite of Stefan, who is highly empathetic, thoughtful and refuses to kill innocent humans for their blood or to drink human blood under any circumstances and who even feels guilty for killing an animal for it's blood.
Although Damon repeatedly admits to passionately loathing his younger brother Stefan, it has been evident throughout the course of the series that Damon does in fact love and care deeply about the younger Salvatore. Damon has absolutely no problem with killing innocent humans, has no remorse for it and he lacks any kind of a ethical, moral and guilty conscience whatsoever. He kills Mr. Tanner, but claims he did so only because Tanner pulled a knife on him and that it was thus self-defense. He also has no issue whatsoever with threatening and intimidating small children (like Damon did with Margaret, Elena's younger sister). Since Elena gave into his blackmail, it'll never be known whether he really would've gone through with his threats to hurt her little sister, Margaret. He has a significantly very violent history due to his early vampire life, when he started his own mercenary company. Although we are given no glimpses into this mercenary life, it is strongly implied that he did very bad, sinister and immoral things with absolutely no regrets about it, and would have little to no problem with doing them again. Despite his generally dark, sinister and uncaring nature and besides showing some concern and caring feelings for his brother Stefan, he has shown feelings towards both Elena and Bonnie, although Damon's feelings for both of these girls are completely and vastly different in nature. Damon has strongly craved and desired to possess Elena Gilbert mind, body and soul since the very beginning of the series. He has chased her as well as obsessively made advances at Elena against her will (so much so to the point of Damon taking Elena's blood against her will while she was asleep, and also dream manipulating Elena into dreaming about him while she was asleep). Damon is strongly attracted to Elena because of her physical beauty and her strong, commanding, passionate and compelling personality. Damon also strongly desires Elena because she has a highly unusual and mystifying aura due to her being a supernatural human and also, because Elena has a special, unique tasting blood. Damon has strong feelings of sexual desire, lust and passion for Elena and his feelings for Elena are extremely selfish with ulterior motives and intentions. Damon often treats and sees Elena as a prize and as a competition to be won against his brother Stefan, and he has tried to do absolutely everything in his power to try to force and coerce Elena into living in the darkness for all of eternity alongside him as his Princess Of Darkness. However, Elena has repeatedly rejected Damon's wishes and advances and has remained fiercely and stoically loyal to Stefan and her deep, strong, eternal love for him. Whereas Elena wants to live amongst the light with her loved ones, (including her family, friends, and Stefan) Damon wants to live in the darkness and in the shadows for all of eternity. Damon strongly desires unconventionality and the unusual, while Elena strongly desires safety, comfort and stability. Aside from Damon's feelings for Elena and his desire to possess her, Damon has repeatedly shown to have very deep, strong, and tender feelings for Bonnie McCullough, who is Elena's best friend.
Damon cares for Bonnie. Their relationship throughout the course of the series has been very under the radar for the most part, but there have been many hints suggesting a secret, strong and undeniable bond between the two of them. Damon and Bonnie have a magnetic, electrifying, intense but also tender connection. However, throughout the series, Damon has been inherently focused and obsessed with possessing Bonnie's best friend, Elena Gilbert body, mind and soul. Damon has seen Bonnie as somewhat childlike and immature. He believes that Bonnie is childish, immature and does not fit his "ideal" of what his type of woman is or should be. Damon has frequently mentioned that Bonnie is physically, emotionally and mentally too immature for him, even though Bonnie is the same age as Elena. Because of Bonnie's outer personality and physical appearance, he often refers to Bonnie as a "woman-child". Due to this, Elena happens to receive more attention from him because Elena possesses all of the outer qualities that Damon is looking for in an "ideal mate". However, despite the many differences and opposite qualities between Damon and Bonnie in terms of outside personalities, Damon still feels an indescribable, deep, strong bond/connection to Bonnie. Despite Damon's over-zealous obsession with Elena, Damon shows to have a weak spot for Bonnie regardless. Bonnie was the very first person to reveal Damon's deeply buried, hidden humanity without absolutely any effort while he was still a vampire; long before Elena ever managed to do so. Bonnie tempers Damon's deep inner darkness and she has effortlessly brought out the softer, gentle, more tender, compassionate side of him; revealing the true inner Damon which has been locked inside and surrounded by thick walls for over five centuries. A direct quote from Nightfall displays Damon's deep, strong and tender feelings for Bonnie: "Contemplating his bedraggled little bird (Bonnie), who was clutching the towel to her instinctively, with her fiery hair plastered to her head and her big brown eyes blinking between strands, something swelled in Damon. Stefan had run to the door to tell the others the good news. For a moment, it was just the two of them: Damon and Bonnie." The quote from Nightfall continues: "The new thing he was feeling had swollen inside his soul until the pressure was almost too much to stand. When Bonnie said "But I'm alive!" with an abrupt 180-degree turn in mood, her heart-shaped face flushing with joy, the fierce pride Damon felt in response was intoxicating." A quote in The Return: Nightfall displays Bonnie's strong effect on Damon without any effort: '"And then the swelling thing burst. There was to Damon, a palpable if not audible crack as the stone encasing his soul burst open and a great piece fell away. With something inside him singing, he clutched Bonnie to him, feeling the wet towel through his raw silk shirt, and feeling Bonnie's slight body under the towel. Definitely a maiden, and not a child, he thought dizzily, whatever the writing on that infamous scrap of pink nylon had claimed." The quote continues: "He clutched at her as if he needed her for blood, as if they were in hurricane-tossed seas and to let go of her would be to lose her."
Another quote from The Return: Nightfall goes on to show Bonnie affecting Damon's soul strongly and Damon revealing his deeply buried inner humanity (his "real" self) during a deeply intense moment between them: "His neck hurt fiercely, but more cracks were spreading all over the stone; it was going to explode completely, letting the Damon it held inside out—and he was too drunk on pride and joy, yes, joy, to care. Cracks were spreading in every direction, pieces of stone flying off...." Damon has frequently saved Bonnie's life on many occasions throughout the series and he is always there for her whenever she needs his help. Damon is also very protective of her and he has refused to harm her, bite her or drink her blood under any circumstances, although the real and main reason for this is not explained or identified. Damon has also been seen to be extremely affectionate, gentle, loving, generous and selfless towards Bonnie and appears to have an unconditional bond with her. Damon is always saving Bonnie and can't seem to stop himself from doing so. He has done this repeatedly throughout the course of the series. Damon had saved Bonnie's life long before the original series started, from a pack of dangerous werewolves, who had come to torment her and then attack her afterwards (After Hours). It was then when Damon and Bonnie inevitably first met unexpectedly and unusually for the very first time. After Damon had saved Bonnie's life, they shared their very first kiss (which was described as incredibly intense by Bonnie herself). After Damon had saved Bonnie and kissed her, he immediately decided to influence her to forget the event as well as their very first meeting. Therefore, to this day, Bonnie is still absolutely clueless about their unexpected (and highly unusual meeting) and she still doesn't remember her very first meeting with Damon alongside the fact that he had saved her life unexpectedly. Damon has been seen to be subconsciously very tender, gentle, nurturing, caring and loving towards Bonnie (he has played the role of 'caretaker' with her, especially in The Return: Nightfall, when Bonnie is deathly poisoned by an unknown toxin from a tree and he uses his own vampire blood as a medicine to help cure her and save her life). On the outside, Damon seems to look at Bonnie as somewhat of an innocent child who is immature physically, mentally and emotionally, even though she is exactly the same age as Elena. For some unknown reason, Damon seems to be ultimately fascinated and drawn to Bonnie's softness, fragility, purity, innocence and maidenly persona. There is a definite indescribable, magnetic, undeniable and strong connection between the two of them, although Elena happens to receive more attention from him. In some ways, Damon has consistently taken his feelings towards Bonnie for granted, although Bonnie tends to not understand this due to her lack of maturity throughout the course of the series. Despite the fact that Bonnie naturally brings out the human side in Damon without absolutely any effort and Damon brings out a stronger, significantly more stable, serious, mature side of Bonnie, they have had a chaotic, up/down, and tumultuous relationship throughout the series. Damon does have a frequent tendency to try to ignore and avoid Bonnie at times. He often tends to be in huge denial when it comes to admitting that he deeply cares for Bonnie, most likely due to his indescribable feelings for her (Bonnie). Bonnie brings out the ''true Damon' and his humanity much more than Elena has or ever does. In terms of outer personalities, Damon is the complete opposite of Bonnie in many ways. Whereas Damon is an individual who possesses more of a dark personality, Bonnie has a much lighter personality. While Damon is significantly more selfish, vain, and proud, Bonnie is seen to be more selfless, humble, and modest. Damon is strong, powerful, and dominant while Bonnie is more weak, fragile and vulnerable. Damon is more of an immoral individual, whereas Bonnie is more moral. Damon is more emotionally strong/tough; Bonnie is more emotionally weak/fragile. Damon is more overly confident; Bonnie is more insecure/unsure. Damon is boastful/arrogant; Bonnie is modest/humble. Damon is infamously known to have many various nicknames and pet names for Bonnie, which mostly refer to Bonnie's hair color (which is red-gold in color) but his most notable and favorite pet name to call Bonnie is "Little Redbird".
Damon's morality is always and constantly in question—and he is constantly suspected of mischief, causing trouble and committing immoral acts. The intense darkness within Damon is also noticed by Katherine in The Fury. In The Fury, Katherine offers to let Damon live and for him to reign in the darkness and in the shadows with her, an offer both Elena and Stefan strongly believe he will accept, although in the end, he tells her surprisingly to "Go to hell." It was also revealed in The Fury, when Katherine kidnapped Damon, Stefan and Elena and had them tied up and tortured them in order to get back at the Salvatore brothers for what they had done to her, that although Katherine was drawn to Damon and cared for him, Katherine had always loved his brother Stefan much more than she had ever loved Damon. Damon is described as extremely relentless. He never takes danger too seriously and possesses a very dark sense of humor, which Stefan describes as "Damon humor". Damon has very little regard for human life; the complete opposite of Stefan. Damon is regarded as one of the strongest vampires who reside on Earth. This comes from all of the innocent humans that he has killed for their blood and the amount of human blood that he's consumed over the many years. Damon has strong feelings of desire, passion and sexual attraction for Elena, especially in The Fury, that is not understood by others whatsoever. In The Return: Shadow Souls, it is also revealed that Elena also has strong feelings for Damon, who is now in love with Elena, but Elena does not share this knowledge with any of her friends, supporting their beliefs that Damon is ultimately taking advantage of her. For a short while, Damon showed who he really could be like: caring for others, including his own brother, Stefan, whom he states he has hated his whole life, not acting selfish and/or self-absorbed, and acting like a generally caring, helpful person (for example, around Bonnie, whenever she asked for Damon's help). But Damon reverted to his old, darker and 'true' self when Shinichi took his memories from when he had met him until then. Although Damon initially hates and loathes his younger brother, Stefan, Damon has shown that he cares for him from time to time throughout the series. Damon shows feelings of passion, desire and attraction towards Elena. Damon shows deep, loving, tender, caring (but also highly intense and passionate) feelings for Bonnie. Damon admits to being scared, fearful and terrified of Meredith. Damon strongly dislikes Matt, whom he often refers to as "Mutt", instead of his real name Matt.
Damon is a highly powerful and strong vampire with numerous and various powerful abilities. He is deemed to be significantly stronger than his younger brother Stefan due to his large consumption of human blood over the many centuries. Because Damon has so much Power due to the amount of human blood that he has taken in and consumed from innocent humans over the centuries, Damon is the most powerful vampire of series. With Klaus and Katherine both deceased, Damon is arguably the second most powerful character in the series after Sage.
- Vampire Physiology (Aka Vampire Mimicry, Vampiric Mimicry/Physiology, Vampirism, Vampyre Physiology/Mimicry, Vrykolakas): The ability to use the abilities of a vampire. User with this ability either is or can transform into an vampire, a being who subsists by feeding on the life essence of living creatures (often in the form of blood), regardless of whether the vampire is undead or a living person/being. While all vampires need some form of life-essence, the quality and quantity vary greatly: from daily to rarely, from needing lethal amounts to barely notable, from sentient blood freshly drained to rare steak. Physically, vampires are similar to their non-vampiric species, but exact changes their state causes vary greatly: more common effects include pale/white skin, glowing eyes (possibly chancing to golden or red), prominent canines or generally predatory appearance, but some have no visible changes at all, while others barely pass for a humanoid. Mentally, vampires vary from perfectly normal persons with unusual dietary requirements to predatory, calculating beings, to hunger-driven blood-junkies. Generally, vampires are physically imposing beings with excellent strength, speed, endurance and agility, excellent senses, extended living-span nearing ageless and high-level resistance to damage. Other abilities include ability to turn other beings into vampires (possibly involuntarily), mental abilities, transformation into animals or mist, etc. Note that vampires are able to learn Magic, so the variety of powers some have isn't so much result of them being vampires as their own studies.
- Transcendent Vampire Physiology (Aka Absolute Vampirism, Divine Nosferatu Physiology, Ultimate Vampire/Vampirism, Vampire/Vrykolakas God Physiology, Vampiric Ascension/Divinity/Perfection): The ability to use the traits of a divine vampiric being. The most powerful variation of Vampire Physiology and a vampiric variation of Transcendent Physiology. The user with this ability either is or can transform into a Transcendent Vampire: a powerful vampiric being who has literally ascended to true godhood either through powerful magical feats or by divine intervention.In various forms of traditional folklore, vampires are often depicted as demonic beings who must feast on the blood of the living to survive and possess vulnerabilities to various things such as sunlight, garlic, holy relics, etc. However, Transcendent Vampires are arguably completely the opposite. Transcendent Vampires are often depicted as supernaturally attractive and possess an appearance identical to the one that they had in their previous life. They also appear to have an inherently mesmerizing aura to their presence. Many mortals or lesser beings may often feel an obsessive desire to be around the vampire in question or even follow and carry out their commands as mindless slaves. Another thing that makes Transcendent Vampires unique is that despite them appearing to be related to things such as dark magic or inherently evil aspects, they are actually in fact shown to be often associated with or even assisting a higher power. In fact, most Transcendent Vampires are sometimes seen preaching or more or less speaking of the relationship they have with the supreme being they may or may not have worshiped during their mortal lifetime. Overall, Transcendent Vampires are the supreme paragons of the species. They are responsible for maintaining the natural balance between vampires, humans, as well as other monsters. Due to the nature of their powers, they are capable of increasing their already amazing powers even further by absorbing various forms of energy. The user is thus capable of challenging most beings in existence. Other than Klaus, who is a Old One, Damon is arguably the most powerful vampire in the series as well as in the world.
- Undead Physiology (AKA Cadaverism, Cadaver Form/Mimicry/Physiology, Corpse Form/Mimicry/Physiology, Necrotic Form/Mimicry/Physiology, Undead Form/Mimicry): The ability to use the abilities of an Undead. User with this ability either is or can transform into an undead, corporeal beings in mythology, legend or fiction that are deceased yet behave as if alive. A common example is a corpse re-animated by supernatural forces, by the application of the deceased's own life force or that of another being (such as a demon). Users with this power lack physical weaknesses, such as pain, need to rest, vulnerability to environmental effects, etc, while some still need to consume various substances (blood, flesh, life-force). Being clinically dead, their brains and bodies are immune to most powers that affect living beings.
- Defunct Physiology (AKA Clockwork Creature, Inorganic Physiology): Users of this ability lacks any physical weaknesses of an organic, living body including the need for rest, sustenance or other physical requirements. They do not feel pain and cannot be poisoned or get ill. Usually the users are formed from inorganic matter (such as stone, metal or etc.) or animated flesh, bone, wood or other formerly living matter.
- Immortality (AKA Death Immunity, Endless Life, "Eternal Life"; "Everlasting Life"; or "Longevity"): The ability to never age physically and recover from almost any injury.The opposite off Mortality. Users possess an infinite life span, and can shrug off virtually any kind of physical damage. Some users are the defensive type, simply preventing such damage from appearing (invulnerability/protection), while others are the regenerative type, surviving and quickly recovering from anything you throw at them. As someone who is immortal, Damon cannot age once reaching a certain point. He is also immune to diseases, toxins and drugs that would effect normal humans. If Damon gets wounds, even if they are crippling or fatal ones, they will heal almost instantly. Damon has been "alive" since the Renaissance Period during the 1500s and because of his vampirism, he cannot grow old and cannot die or be killed (unless by a wooden stake to the heart). Because of Damon's vampirism and immortality, Damon will forever remain youthful and will not age physically. Also because of his immortality, Damon is blessed with inhumane beauty and eternal youth, including a youthful complexion which gives him a sort of "dark innocence". He will remain youthful in physical appearance and he will eternally look like a young man in his early to mid 20's.
- Supernatural Condition (AKA Super Condition): The ability to reach and remain in supernatural physical and/or mental condition. Advanced version of Enhanced Condition. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely stronger, faster, durable and smarter than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can achieve by any method of training and remain that way with little or no maintaining. On the other hand, the only way for users to strengthen this ability is to perform intensive training or exercise. For example, to increase ones superhuman strength, they would have to lift tons of weight many times a day. There are different levels of Supernatural Condition: 1.) Basic Level (Example: Black Panther): Strong enough to lift over a ton and bend metal, fast enough to run at/beyond the high-way speed limit, durable enough to withstand being thrown off tall buildings; 2.) Enhanced Level (Example: Spider-Man): Strong enough to lift automobiles and punch through steel, fast enough to outrun race-cars, agile enough to leap over small buildings and dodge supersonic attacks, durable enough to withstand bullets, grenades and low-to-medium explosive as well as a strong healing ability. 3.) Expert Level (Example: Power Man): Strong enough to lift construction vehicles and destroy thick steel, fast enough to run faster than missiles, durable enough to withstand most explosions; 4.) Advanced Level (Example: Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers): Strong enough to lift large aircrafts and destroy toughest metals, fast enough to break Mach 1 (1,236km/768mph), durable enough to take powerful explosions; 5.) Master Level (Example: Superman): Near an Absolute Condition. Strong enough to move skyscrapers or even planets with incalculable strength, fast enough to move at (or beyond) light-speed, and invulnerable to virtually all physical harm.
- Supernatural Accuracy (AKA Superhuman Aiming, Superhuman Accuracy, Superhuman Marksmanship, Superhuman Targeting, Supernatural Aiming, Supernatural Marksmanship, Supernatural Targeting): The ability to have better accuracy than what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Advanced version of Enhanced Marksmanship. Users have glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally accuracy over their race because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level, making them able to react faster than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) without the need of training.
- Supernatural Agility (AKA "Superhuman Agility" and "Super Agility"): The ability to be more agile than what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Advanced version of Enhanced Agility. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more agile than their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely more agile and able to combine their of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can achieve by any method of training.
- Supernatural Athleticism (AKA "Supernatural Acrobatics"): The power to perform acrobatic and gymnastic feats beyond what is considered naturally possible. A sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Users possess glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally athletic skills over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; they are obviously superior in speed, explosiveness, power, quickness, and other various athletic abilities than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieved by any method of training.
- Supernatural Awareness (AKA "Hyper Awareness" and "Enhanced Perception"): The power to have a sense of awareness far above those of normal humans. Variation of Enhanced Senses. The user has an increased sense of awareness, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice.
- Supernatural Balance (AKA "Inhuman Balance", "Super Balance", "Unnatural Balance"): The ability to have obviously supernatural level of balance/equilibrium. Advanced version of Supernatural Senses and a sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more balanced than their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely smarter than any level normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can achieve by any method of training. They are able to achieving feats that utilize the facets of balance in unique ways, such as constantly moving without losing balance, hanging upside down and not getting dizzy, closing eyes and standing on a single finger, dodging objects with superior finesse, and incapable of being render by vertigo, nausea, disorientation, and the effects of weightlessness.
- Supernatural Combat (AKA "Superhuman Combat", "Supernatural Combat", "Supernatural Fighting Skills"): The ability to have better fighting skills than what is naturally possible. Advanced version of Enhanced Combat.Users possess immense combat skills, both offensive and defensive, which may be innate, honed or both. This encompasses speed, strength, precision, reflexes, technique, analysis, control, adaptation and all aspects of practical fighting. Depending on the users, they may be specialized on specific types of weaponry (melee, ranged, natural, etc.), and invariably wield them with surreal efficiency. Most observers are simply incapable to understand what's happening, only a user being able to gauge the skill of another.
- Supernatural Dexterity (AKA "Super Dexterity"): The ability to have better dexterity than what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Advanced version of Enhanced Dexterity. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more dexterous than their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely better at controlling their limbs, muscles, and digits than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieved by any method of training.
- Supernatural Durability (AKA "Supernaturally Dense Tissue", "Super Durability", "Superhuman Durability"): The power to have body-tissue denser than what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition, and an advanced version of Enhanced Durability. Variation of Dermal Armor and Invulnerability. The user's body-tissue, skin, muscles, bones, etc. is extremely dense/solid, allowing them to withstand harmful strains on the body such as crushing weights, impacts, pressures, changes in temperature, etc. They gain enhanced levels of strength and stamina, this is possible because of how hard their body has become, allowing them to resist tearing a muscle and/or their bones shattering easily.
- Supernatural Endurance (AKA "Superhuman Endurance" and "Unnatural Endurance"): The ability to endure physical stress better than what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Advanced version of Enhanced Endurance. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more enduring than their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely durable/work longer/survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an extended amount of time longer than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieve by any method of training.
- Supernatural Flexibility: Power to effortlessly bend and twist body past normal limits. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition. User is able to bend and twist their body far beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. Their joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general is modified to allow the user perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position they choose as long they need without effort or strain.
- Supernatural Instincts (AKA "Enhanced Instincts"): The power to have enhanced instincts. Sub-power of Feral Mind. The user has stronger instincts than normal, not necessarily predatory or prey, but also battle instincts or parental instincts. They tend to abandon logic and play with pure instinct, generally making illogical but successful moves.
- Supernatural Leap (AKA "Super Jump", "Super Leap", "Superhuman Jumping/Leaping Ability", "Supernatural Jump"): The ability to leap longer distances than what is naturally possible. Advanced version of Enhanced Jump. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. The user can leap at a supernatural distances, jump over buildings, travel long distances with one leap, and perform other amazing feats.
- Supernatural Lung Capacity: The power to have tremendous lung capacity. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition. The user has a tremendous lung capacity and/or ability to use the oxygen very effectively enabling them to hold their breath for extended periods of time while staying active. This may also include birdlike lungs that allow the user to keep their lungs constantly filled with fresh air.
- Supernatural Reflexes (AKA "Super Reflexes"): The ability to have better reflexes/reaction time than what is naturally possible. Advanced version of Enhanced Reflexes, sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Users have glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally superior reaction speed over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level, making them able to react faster than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) without the need to train.
- Supernatural Regeneration (AKA "Superhuman Regeneration"): The power to heal at an obviously supernatural speed. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition, advanced variation of Regenerative Healing Factor. User can regenerate completely so long as they are not instantly killed by an attack (i.e. disintegration, incineration, one-hit kill). For some users, this involves that as long as the "core" is undamaged, they can regenerate. Because the cells and telomere lengths are constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, they do not age, recover any damaged body parts, and sustenance intake required is drastically reduced, to the point user is close to true immortality. Even complex parts such as damaged brain cells and nerves can be repaired, effectively keeping the mind intact and making decapitation more difficult as the user can simply reattach their heads to the neck, sealing the cut. User are practically immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. They are immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to its unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts. For tumorous cells, the regeneration power may consider it as a form of disease, and repair it to the healthy and optimal state so it does not grow along with the regeneration. For some users, however, it may consider the cells as part of the body, and actually regenerate these sick cells, causing them to grow painfully instead.
- Supernatural Self-Preservation (AKA Enhanced Self-Preservation, Superhuman Self-Preservation, Super Self-Preservation): The power to identify and escape danger without consciously thinking out a plan of action. Not to be confused with Escape Artistry or Tracking Evasion. Users can automatically identify and escape dangerous situations and evade opponents without consciously thinking out a plan of action. An example of this would be if the user is pursued by enemies that are faster than the user, they would automatically run in a pattern that would keep them from being surrounded, cut off, or captured by almost all means and then throw off their pursuit.
- Supernatural Self-Sustenance (AKA Contained Metabolism, Deprivation, Self Sufficiency): The power to reduce or remove the need for bodily necessities. Users physical needs are greatly reduced or completely removed. These needs include air/breathing, sleep/rest, food, drink, bodily evacuations, shelter from environmental effects and their lack (heat/cold, dryness/wetness), etc. User is also able to stay unmoving without normal effects this would have.
- Supernatural Senses (AKA Super Senses and Superhuman Sensory System/Sense): The ability to have better senses than what is naturally possible. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition, advanced version of Enhanced Senses. User senses of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acute than their race. They can see kilometers away, see the faintest distinctions/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly, listen to a sweat drop from someones face in another room, smell anything over vast distances, able to smell individual molecules/atoms, conceptual forces and even immaterial beings/entities, taste the smallest details; to the extent of molecular distinguishment, and feel the slightest vibration in the air and ground.
- Supernatural Speed (AKA "Godspeed", "Hyper Speed", "Supersonic Speed", "Superhuman Speed"): The ability to be faster than what is naturally possible. Advanced version of Enhanced Speed, sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally faster over their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level, making them immensely faster than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) without the need to train.
- Supernatural Stamina (AKA "Super Energy"): The ability to have a better stamina than what is naturally possible. An advanced form of Enhanced Stamina and a sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Users stamina is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally greater than their race because their capabilities are pushed to the supernatural level; making them immensely more enduring than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieve by any method of training.
- Supernatural Strength (AKA "Abnormal/Advanced Strength", "Super/Superhuman Strength", "Unnatural Strength"): The ability to be stronger than what is naturally possible. Advanced version of Enhanced Strength. Sub-power of Supernatural Condition. Users are glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally stronger than their race because their capabilities are pushed to the superhuman level; making them immensely stronger than normal members of their species (in that 'verse) can be achieve by any method of training.
- Enhanced Speed (AKA "High Speed" or "Super Speed"): The ability to move at extraordinary physical speed. Users can move much faster than the average member of their species, some near or at the speed of sound, or even faster. However, this power is not without any ill effects, as it can strain the body, although some users may be resistant or even immune to the effects of high speed travel, including friction, g-force, inertia, etc. Damon has proven to be extremely fast, moving faster than Stefan could keep up, because he drinks a substantial amount of human blood and has consumed much human blood over the many centuries due to killing many innocent humans. It is also seen when Stefan is kidnapped, he could easily out run Elena when she was a vampire.
- Enhanced Strength (AKA "Enhanced Durability", "Hyper Strength", "Mega Strength", "Increased Strength", "Super Strength", "Superior Strength", "Superhuman Strength", "Supernatural Strength" or "Titanic Strength"): The ability or power to exert great physical strength from their muscles. Users have incredible ability to defy weight limitations of the member of their race, but not completely break them. Dense, lengthy, or overweight items are easy to move and simple to use in nearly any manner. Users can crush, lift, throw, or catch items of great weight. Damon has shown that he can lift heavier objects with much ease and that he has muscle mass and strength that exceeds that of a normal human.
- Peak Human: Possess enough strength to lift over twice one's own body weight to 800lbs-1100lbs.
- Enhanced: User's strength is augmented, but not to supernatural levels.
- Supernatural: Gain supernatural strength that come in four levels.
- Type I: Being able to lift up cars to trucks, buses, and large boulders.
- Type II: Being able to lift heavier structures from battleships to massive aircrafts.
- Type III: Ex: Being able to lift skyscraper size structures and being capable of moving mountainous figures at top strength.
- Type IV: Being able to lift continents and planets at top strength.
- Absolute: Incalculable strength that allows user to perform unbelievable feats such as lifting virtually anything with ease or distorting the fabric of reality with one's bare hands.
- Tactical Analysis (AKA Analysis Aptitude, Enhanced Analysis, Chessmaster, Master Manipulator/Planner/Strategist/Tactician, Military Genius, Strategic Mastermind, Strategy Genius, Tactical Battle Manipulator/Grandmaster, Tactical/Strategical/Strategic Wit): The ability to be an extremely skilled strategic genius and apply this skill for several objectives.Sub-power of Combat Perception. The user can create strategies and plans several steps ahead of the opponent, seeming like the user can see into the future. The user is able to elaborate complex plans and strategies and apply them in, not just battle, but any other activity that involves cunning intellect, e.g. strategic games. Most of the users of this ability are very analytical and can understand or anticipate the enemies' moves.
- Enhanced Physical Condition (AKA "Peak Condition"; "Physical Prime"; or "Prime Condition"): The ability to remain in the peak physical condition and/or mental condition of user's species with little to no maintaining. The user is at the peak physical and mental condition of their species in that verse can achieve without any supernatural methods and remain that way with little or no maintaining. This entails that they are faster, stronger, more intelligent and overall superior to fellow members of their species without being obviously supernatural. Before Damon became a vampire, Damon was strongly athletic and engaged in many sports of his time. He was always physically stronger than his younger brother. This strength increased when he became a vampire.
- Enhanced Senses (AKA "Superhuman Senses"; "Advanced Senses"; "Increased Perceptions"; "Heightened Senses"; "Hyper-Senses"; "Super-Senses"; and "Strengthened Senses"): The ability to possess extremely accurate senses or senses that exceed those of a normal or regular human.The user has extremely accurate senses, allowing them to see, hear, smell, taste, touch and/or feel more than an average member of their species. Damon can hear, smell and see clearer and better than that of the average human. He, like Stefan, can also sense the presence of other minds around him.
- Enhanced Hearing (AKA "Hyperacusia"; "Sharp Ears"; or "Sensitive/Super/Superhuman Hearing"): The ability or power to hear with amazing clarity or clarity that exceeds that of a normal human. Users have ears enhanced to hear with amazing clarity, distance, and even frequencies outside normal range. Users ears can pick up every single sound, can decipher layer upon layer of differing sounds/conversations, locate the source of noise or pick up a sound from a mile away in a busy city. Damon as a vampire is able to hear things much easier and clearer than that of a regular human.
- Enhanced Smell (AKA "Enhanced Olfaction"; "Hyperaemia"; "Super Spell"; "Superhuman Sense of Smell"): The ability or power of enhanced sense of smell. Users can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin and track with nothing but their nose. Some may even be able to detect lying, sicknesses or tumors by which hormones/smells they excrete. Damon's sense of smell exceeds that of a normal or regular human.
- Enhanced Vision (AKA "Enhanced Sight"; "Super Sight/Vision"; "Advanced Eyesight/Sight/Vision"; "Hyper Eyesight/Sight/Vision"; "Superhuman Eyesight/Sight/Vision"; or "Supernatural Eyesight/Sight/Vision"): The ability or power of enhanced eye sight. Users have eyes enhanced to see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, or color, perhaps even in a different spectrum of light or into another dimension.
- Night Vision (AKA "Darkness Optics" or "Nocturnal Vision"): The ability or power to see clearly in the darkness or with little to no light. User has excellent night vision, the ability to see in low light conditions or even total darkness. Whether by biological or technological means, night vision is made possible by a combination of two approaches: sufficient spectral range, and sufficient intensity range. Because of vampriirm, Damon is able to see things with clarity even during the night time or without light.
- Aura Vision (AKA "Aura Reading"; "Aura Perception/Sense/Sight/Vision"; "Ecto-Vision" or "Kirlian Eye"): The ability or power to see the auras of others. The user can perceive auras, normally invisible fields of energy that surround every living thing, this can be used to sense emotions, health, power levels, or the targets moral alignment. They may also be able to sense auras surrounding inanimate objects under special circumstances.
- Energy Vision (AKA "Ability Detection/Sensing/Identification", "Power Detection", "Power Sensing/Identification"): The power to sense the presence of supernatural powers within others. Users can sense the presence of supernatural powers and possibly gain detailed understanding about them, including their type, quality and intensity.
- Enhanced Taste (AKA "Gustatory Enhancement"; "Perfect Taste"; or "Super Taster"): The power or ability to possess enhanced taste. The user has accurate sense of taste, allowing them to sense both harmful and beneficial things, as all basic tastes are classified as either aversive or appetitive, depending upon the effect the things they sense have on our bodies. Sweetness helps to identify energy-rich foods, while bitterness serves as a warning sign of poisons. The user might even be able to tell certain things about people if they taste something the person they're describing ate/drank previously, such as gender. Damon's sense of taste was enhanced when he became a vampire. Therefore, the taste of blood and even food tastes much stronger and clearer.
- Enhanced Touch (AKA "Enhanced Feeling" or "Somatic Senses"): The ability or power of enhanced sense of touch. User has exceptionally good sense of touch, allowing them detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin and track with nothing but the tip of their fingers. Some may even be able to detect the thinnest crack on anything that is invisible to the naked eye. Users may be able to sense vibrations through solid substances, liquids or even the air-pressure changes. Damon's sense of touch was enhanced when he became a vampire due to having enhanced senses. His sense of touch is much stronger and clearer in comparison to that of when he was a normal human.
- Enhanced Immunity (AKA "Advanced Immune System"; "Asepsis"; "Enhanced Immune System"; "Immunocompetent"; "Immunity"; or "Contaminant Immunity"): The power or ability to neutralize all existing detrimental contaminants in one's body. The user is immune to some, if not all, known poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, etc. Because Damon is a vampire, he is immune to all harmful things that would harm, hurt or kill a normal human.
- Alcohol Immunity (AKA "Alcohol Nullification"): The power to be immune to the effects of ethanol in alcoholic beverages. The user is either immune the effects of alcohol or can tolerate extreme amounts of it without notable effects. This includes direct nullification, speed of recovery from insobriety and resistance to the development of alcoholism. Because Damon is a vampire, he is immune to the effects of alcohol. Meaning that Damon can drink copious amounts of alcohol and he would not get drunk or intoxicated like that of a normal human.
- Disease Immunity: The ability or power to be immune to all viruses and diseases. The user's immunity, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced or evolved far beyond that of a normal human's. They are completely immune to every form of disease brought on by bacteria, viruses, or even parasites. Damon cannot be infected with any human illnesses or diseases (such as colds, flus, bacterial viruses, infections, STD's, etc) that would either harm or kill regular humans or make them very sick.
- Poison Immunity (AKA "Mithridatism"): The ability or power to be immune to all forms of poisons and toxins. The user is immune to all forms of poisons/toxins/venom. Damon cannot be ffeactd eby any kind of poison or toxin as a vampire as he has enhanced immunity.
- Foreign Chemical Immunity (AKA "Drug Immunity", "Foreign Chemical Nullification", "Immune to Drugs"): The power and ability to be immune to the effects of drugs and other such foreign chemicals. User is immune to the effects of drugs and other foreign chemicals.
- Enhanced Endurance (AKA "Superhuman Endurance"; "Super Endurance"; "Super Resilient"; "Superhuman Resilient"; "Enhanced Resilient"; "Enhanced Recovery"; or "High Resilient"): The ability to survive without supplies, resources, energy, or other items for an extended amount of time. Users can operate on a low power setting, allowing them to operate for an extended amount of time. They can hold their breath for longer periods of time and remain calm through stressful or painful situations, tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep. Damon, as a vampire, can go for a long time without eating regular human food, drinking fluids or without sleeping. The only thing that Damon needs to survive is human blood. If Damon does not maintain a diet of drinking blood, Damon could eventually desiccate or mummify but even then, he is able to go for a long period without drinking blood until he starts to desiccate from thirst.
- Enhanced Stamina (AKA "Superhuman Stamina"): The power to function for long periods of time without tiring or straining oneself. The user's body is highly resistant to the build-up of fatigue toxins in their blood, allowing them to be physically active for considerably longer periods of time than the average member of the user's species. Damon is able to be physically active for a lot longer than that of a normal human.
- Enhanced Dexterity (AKA "Enhanced Coordination", "Super Coordination", or "Super Dexterity"): The ability or power to control limbs, muscles, and digits extremely well. The user can precisely control their movements and muscles, making them unable to be clumsy or fumbling. They can slip through a network of lasers, reach through dangerous narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly without ever tripping or wobbling. The user can even move their finger or toes effortlessly, with tendon strain no longer being a problem. Users can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times the user can land on their feet. Practiced users can stand up right on even the most unstable of surfaces, such as a moving vehicle, a collapsing building, or an earthquake. They also are able to regain balance or bounce back to their feet quickly and perform feats such as shooting a gun, throwing a knife, or fighting at seemingly impossible angles and positions.
- Enhanced Reflexes (AKA "Enhanced Maneuverability"; "Super Reflexes"; "Superhuman Reflexes", or "Heightened Reflexes"): The power or ability to have drastically enhanced reaction speed. User has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. Damon as a vampire has a faster reaction to things than that of a normal human.
- Enhanced Combat (AKA "Advanced Combat/Fighting"; "Combat Proficiency/Prowess"; "Enhanced Combat Skills"; "Enhanced Fighting Skills"; or "Superior Fighting Skills"): The ability to possess superhuman levels of hand-to-hand fighting skills and excel in various forms of combat. The user is unbelievably skilled in most known forms of fighting. They can be exceptionally proficient in the fighting traditions of a variety of cultures and become advanced with their own individual methods of close quarter combat, including martial arts (from all over the world), boxing, and wrestling. They can also become superhumanly skilled in their use of weaponry. When Damon was a human, he was very athletic and he engaged in much combat during his human life. When he transformed into a vampire, his fighting capabilities became exceptionally stronger and better. Therefore, he is able to fight and defend himself much better than he did as a human.
- Enhanced Agility: The ability or power to possess agility beyond that of a normal member of a user's species or a normal human. User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort. Agility is "the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration", the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength and endurance. Because of vampirism, Damon is able to jump, leap or move much faster or quicker than that of a normal human. Damon is able to leap or jump up heights, such as rooftops with the ability or super leaping.
- Enhanced Balance (AKA "Enhanced/Superhuman Equilibrium"; "Enhanced/Superhuman Stability"; or "Superhuman Balance"): The power to achieve a level of balance beyond those of a normal human. User has both extremely well developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs and the center of balance as well as the physical condition to use these facts. This combination makes them almost impossible to being knocked down/imbalanced, falling down and able to recover from momentary imbalances near instantly. User is able to perfectly balance on any object, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be.
- Enhanced Awareness (AKA "Hyper Awareness" or "Enhanced Perception"): The ability to have a sense of awareness far above those who are normal humans. The user has an increased sense of awareness, often to the extent that few, if any, little details miss their notice.
- Enhanced Emotions: The ability to feel stronger emotions that that of a normal human. When humans become vampires, their emotions become more magnified and amplified. Their ability to feel every single emotion, whether it be anger, sadness, grief, happiness, love, hatred, jealousy, revenge, etc, will increase dramatically, to the point whewre it can sometimes become overwhelming to vampires. Sometimes their emotions become so intense that they want to shut off their emotions completely or turn off their humanity, especially when experiencing a strong negative emotion such as sadness, grief or anger. Damon was originally a somewhat emotional yet stoic person during his human life. He was seen to be a rather resentful and angry human, and those emotions were amplified after he turned into a vampire. All of the hatred that Damon had felt for Stefan since childhood was magnified and amplified ten fold after he turned. Damon was also very competitive and jealous by nature as a human, and became even more so once he turned. However, despite Damon's negative emotions of hatred, jealousy, anger, and revenge, Damon's ability to love and show affection towards others that he loves and holds dear were also amplified as a vampire. Damon showcases these positive emotions towards a select group of people, including surprisingly Stefan (at times), Elena, and especially Bonnie. It is very evident in his interactions with Bonnie that Damon is definitely capable of showing love, tenderness and affection even though he has grappled with negative emotions and dark feelings for most of his life.
- Emotion Negation (AKA Apathy Inducement, Emotional Negation, Indifference Inducement, Listlessness Inducement): The power to suppress or negate emotions. Sub-power of Emotion Manipulation. Opposite to Emotion Augmentation. Users of this ability can suppress or negate emotions, allowing them to cause others to ignore emotional distractions and/or feeling from affecting their thinking-processes. They can also make others uncaring, unkind, unfeeling, empty, emotionless, detached, indifferent and even catatonic. Vampires have the supernatural ability to remove or dull their emotions by "turning off" or "switching off" their humanity, which is directly connected to their emotions. Doing so allows them to block out their more negative emotions, such as fear and guilt, allowing them to feed and kill without remorse, go against any opponent without fear, and relieve themselves of painful feelings such as grief, loss, depression, and shame. A vampire without their emotions is far more calculating and direct than one who keeps them on. However, the vampire can become a remorseless killer, and are almost unrecognizable from the person they truly are, as blocking out negative emotions also causes their positive emotions to become dulled or nonexistent as well. Vampires are capable of turning their humanity back on and bringing back their emotions, but it is difficult as a result of the fact that they will be bombarded with all of their repressed emotions in addition to the guilt of anything they did without their humanity (such as killing or torturing innocent people or loved ones) with enhanced intensity. This ability fades with time and vampires who are over 500 years old have said that they have lost the ability to turn off their humanity altogether. Damon is able to control his emotions to his own will, even though they are amplified as a vampire. This means that Damon, if he chooses to do so, has the ability and the will to "shut off his emotions" or "turn off his humanity" like a dimmer switch, and also has the ability to turn or switch on his emotions at will as well.
- True Face: A vampire's true face is the appearance they are hiding under their normal human face. When a vampire's true face is revealed, the sclera of their eyes turns blood-red, dark veins appear under their eyes as the blood pumps forcefully through them, and their canine teeth extend into razor-sharp fangs. On some occasions, a vampire's fang teeth can include both their canines and their lateral incisors. A vampire's true face can be revealed whenever they wish, but it will appear against their will whenever they are aroused by the scent of blood, or are feeling intense emotions such as fear, anger, lust, sadness, etc. A vampire's fangs are extremely sharp which gives them the ability to tear into almost any substance (including and especially flesh) and tear off limbs. A vampire's true face will appear for the first time either while they drink human blood for the first time or shortly afterward. With the fangs come the darkened veins under the eyes as well.
- Enhanced Invulnerability (AKA "Impenetrable Skin/Impervious Skin"; "Imperviousness"; "Indestructibility"; "Invincibility"; or "Unharmable"): The power to be immune to all forms of physical damage. The user is immune to all forms of conventional physical damage, unable to feel physical pain, is immune to bleeding or loss of limb. Death due to old age (as opposed to preemptive death) is seemingly the only cause of death to the user. Damon can be wounded, however, he will heal almost instantly.
- Nigh Invulnerability(AKA Nigh Indestructability): The power to be immune to almost all kind of damage. Lesser version of Absolute Invulnerability. The user is immune to almost all kind of damage, be it physical (internal or external), mental, spiritual and even conceptual. The user can be immune to all those damage except for one or more exceptions.
- Enhanced Jump (AKA "Enhanced Jumping/Leap"; "Mega Jump"; "Power Jump/Leap"; "Super Jump/Leap"; "Superhuman Jump/Jumping/Leap"): The power to achieve great rocket-like jumps, while having hassle-free landings. Users can jump incredible distances and land safely, covering frighteningly tall heights and long distances. Usually comes with strong legs. Damon has seen to be able to leap heights such as to the top of buildings or on roof tops. He has also been seen super leaping with Bonnie when he came to rescue her in Midnight.
- Enhanced Lung Capacity: The ability to have tremendous lung capacity. The user has a tremendous lung capacity and/or ability to use the oxygen very effectively enabling them to hold their breath for extended periods of time while staying active. This may also include birdlike lungs that allow the user to keep their lungs constantly filled with fresh air. Damon is able to go underwater and stay there for a long period of time. If he does end up drowing, he will just end up waking up underwater over and over again and he will never die.
- Enhanced Instincts: The ability to have enhanced instincts. The user has stronger instincts than normal, not necessarily predatory or prey, but also battle instincts or parental instincts. They tend to abandon logic and play with pure instinct, generally making illogical but successful moves. Damon has strong intuition and instincts, meaning that he is able to tell when something is off or abnormal.
- Predatory Instinct: The ability to possess instincts akin to that of a predatory creature. The user possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of hunting and tracking. One with this ability can discern numerous factors of a situation that make them a master of pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, where they are headed (if the user is in the foe’s proximity, or knows the foe fairly well), as well as how to effectively cause a foe to play right into one’s hands in combat/pursuit. As a vampire, Damon has natural hunting abilities. He uses his enhanced senses to find his prey.
- Enhanced Bite (AKA "Fangs"; "Enhanced Jaw Strength"; "Hyper Bite"; "Hyper Chewing"; "Hyper Jaw"; or "Super Bite"): The power or ability to have an incredibly powerful bite. The user has particularly strong bite, either because of sharp teeth (such as fangs), strong jaw-muscles, unusual jaw-structure (mandibles of insects, beak, etc.) or some other reason. Exactly what they can bite depends of the jaw-strength, resilience of their teeth/bite-surface and their shape. Vampires like Damon possess sharp fangs so that they can feed on humans and gain access to their blood.
- Infectious Bite: The ability to spread viruses and diseases through bites. The user's teeth and/or saliva contain infectious diseases and viruses which they can spread to others with a bite.
- Fang Retraction (AKA "Sharp Teeth"; "Fang Projection/Protrusion"; "Sharp Fangs"): The ability to possess razor sharp teeth. The user's teeth are abnormally sharp and can deliver a deadly bite. In some cases, the teeth may even be retractable. Damon is able to retract his sharp fangs to his will when he is hungry for human blood. When hungry, his fangs will descend and he will feed on a human victim to gain access to human blood. He also has the ability to make his fangs disappear once he has finished feeding so that his teeth will look normal again.
- Enhanced Physical Beauty (AKA "Enhanced Beauty"; "Fairytale Princess Beauty" or "Storybook Beauty"): The ability or power to be especially beautiful or handsome and use the ability to affect others. The user possesses a level of grace, physical beauty, sense of style and social poise above that commonly found on Earth. This is the level of beauty of a storybook princess or fairy-tale prince charming, but is below the level found in goddesses of love and beauty such as Aphrodite, or heavenly beings like angels and archangels. Other possible users might include: the half-human offspring of deities and angels, certain vampires, genetically engineered human beings and even shapeshifters in their most alluring guise. Damon was very handsome as a regular human, but after he became immortal and became a vampire, his physical beauty became even more enhanced and he has the good looks of an Adonis. Elena and Bonnie have described Damon to be physically drop dead gorgeous. Damon's physical beauty has been described to be otherworldly and abnormal, almost supernatural in nature. Stefan also possesses the same trait as Damon of being very physically beautiful and handsome.
- Enhanced Charisma (AKA Enhanced Leadership): The ability to possess unnaturally high charisma. Lesser version of Supernatural Charisma. Sub-power of Enhanced Condition. The user has unnaturally high charisma, or charm, enabling them to gain the trust and loyalty of others and win them over to their cause. Charisma is a trait found in certain personalities usually including extreme charm and a 'magnetic' quality of personality and/or appearance along with innate and powerfully sophisticated personal communicability and persuasiveness. Though very difficult or even impossible to define accurately, charisma is often used to describe an (elusive, even undefinable) personality trait that often includes the seemingly 'supernatural' or uncanny ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people. The user is special compared to other commonly charismatic figures as their charisma is innately formed and effective for even the most disagreeable entities and allows them to bring whole mobs of individuals to their aid.
- Supernatural Beauty (AKA "Divine Beauty"; "Flawless Beauty"; "Perfect Beauty"; "Supernatural Physical Attractiveness"; "Supreme Beauty"; "Transcendent Beauty"; and "Ultimate Beauty"): The power to be supremely beautiful and use it to affect others. User is supremely beautiful and use it to affect others. This power is divided into two separate but interlocking aspects: The user is always, and under any circumstances, physically, personally and socially perfect, graceful and flawless, without anything that would make them look unattractive or distract from their presence. They are perfectly aware how to increase their appeal by apparel, action or choice of words, but even these are simply details to enhance their natural appeal. For example, someone with this ability rising straight from the bed after hard nights partying and wearing rattiest possible clothes would make even best supermodel primped to perfection look homely in comparison. Secondly, the user is able to affect other people, both by affecting their minds, emitting pheromones and generally being a perfect companion and/or object of admiration. At the lower level user could make complete stranger treat them like their closest friend in only a few minutes and be perfectly willing to help them in any way they need. Someone with more power could make anyone treat them like someone who is privileged to do and get anything they wish and be admired and even loved for it. At the higher level user could make people fulfill their smallest suggestion, although not against their deepest principles. At the most powerful they could simply eradicate free will, making everyone slavishly devoted to the user and willing to do anything to please them. Damon is known to be extremely physical beautiful and handsome. He is able to attract all women to him like a moth to a flame. He seems to have the ability of using both his godly good looks and his charm and magnetism to get what he wants from the opposite sex. It could even be assumed that Damon has used his physical beauty to get what he wants from the same gender or sex (other men) as well.
- Bond Manipulation (AKA "Sire Bond"; "Bond Control"; "Relation Manipulation"): The ability to manipulate bonds of or with others. The user can manipulate various bonds, including those which link individuals, breaking the bonds between them, altering them, reforming them or creating completely new ones. They will thus be able to alter people's personalities, relationships, viewpoints and moral orientations. They can also break contractual bonds and the effects of powers such as Telepathyand Persuasion. The user can also manipulate the bonds between atoms, and use this to produce electricity, change one material into another and create powerful explosions. If Damon feeds a human his vampire blood in attempts to turn them and they die from a mortal death, Damon indirectly has the ability to sire any human to him. This will cause the subject that Damon had turned with the use of his blood to have feelings of loyalty, desire, passion, love or affection for him at all times. This occurred when Elena had died and turned into a vampire. Although Stefan had also fed Elena his blood during blood sharing times, Damon had also manipulated and forced Elena to drink his blood in her sleep without her consent. Therefore, Elena had both Stefan and Damon's vampire blood in her system at the time of her death. Damon's vampire blood was enough to overpower Stefan's vampire blood, probably because Damon had fed Elena more of his blood and also, Damon's vampire blood is more potent than Stefan's because Damon lives on a human blood diet as opposed to Stefan, who lives on a mostly animal diet. Elena as a vampire was then sired to Damon and believed that she loved Damon and not Stefan. The only thing strong or powerful enough to break a "sire bond" is love or compelling the one that is sired to turn off their emotions completely. Elena's sire bond to Damon was broken for good after she remembered her love for Stefan and the memories that she shared with Stefan.
- Soulmate Connection (ONLY with Bonnie McCullough; AKA All Conquering Love, The Highest Level of Love, True Love): The power to have a connection with one's soulmate. The user is connected, linked, associated, and/or bonded with their soulmate/soulmates. They know who their soulmate/s is/are, can empathize and harmonize with said soulmate/s, lack any fear of expressing their feelings for them, share many, if not some characteristics in common with them, and understand one another without even talking. The user and their soulmate/s, by nature, are compassionate and sympathetic toward one another, get along quite well with the other, and love each other either as close friends or romantic partners, depending on which type of user they are. Some users have the friendly type soulmate/s, in which they are the bestest friends with their soulmate/s, share only and the best feelings of friendship with them, and could be of any species and gender of either the same as or different from the user's, while others have the romantic type soulmate/s, in which they and their soulmate/s are meant for each other as a couple, and naturally share romantic feelings of love for one another. Damon only shares this power with his one true soulmate Bonnie. This means that Damon doesn't share this connection with anyone else in the entire world or Universe except Bonnie. Through their soulmate bond, Damon is able to sense what Bonnie is feeling, feel her emotions/empathize with her, and is able to sense when she is in trouble or danger even if they are far away from one another. He is able to read her mind and thoughts with ease and is able to communicate with her through the use of telepathy when they are at a far distance or in each other's presence.
- Eternal Bond (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Absolute Connection, Boundless Connection, Eternal Connection, Infinite Connection, Meta Bond, Meta Connection, Absolute Bond, Boundless Bond, Eternal Bond, Infinite Bond): The power to have a eternal/infinite bond with anything. Ultimate form of Hyper Connection and Soulmate Connection. User has a eternal or infinite bond with someone/something, making them connected on a level beyond anything and everything. Allowing them to always be connected to each other as their bond transcends everything regardless of its nature including space, time, distance, separation from reality, death, non-existence, etc. This connection goes beyond soul-mates, beyond the collective unconscious, beyond even the fabric and foundations of reality. Users bond cannot be broken, destroyed, manipulated, removed, separated, or severed. Even if the users soul is destroyed the connection will remain, even if the users existence and/or memory is erased from reality/history the connection will still remain. Nothing can ever separate the users from each other or their bond with each other. Damon only shares this power and connection with Bonnie, who is his one true soulmate. Their bond is so powerful that it can transcend alternate realities and death. The bond is unbreakable and unable to be severed even by death. Due to the power and strength of Damon and Bonnie's connection, their bond is immune from Reality Separation, Reincarnation Denial, Bond Destruction, Bond Manipulation, Connection Removal, Separation, Severing, Soul Destruction, and Existence Erasure
- Trascendent Connection (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Transcendent Link): The power to have a connection with any/all transcendent power sources. Sub-power of Higher Consciousness. Variation of Buddhaic Plane Manipulation and World Connection. Not to be confused with Almighty Link. User has a connection with any/all almighty, primal, primordial, omnipotent or transcendent power sources. This allows them to have complete understanding and knowledge of anything and everything. Some users may even have such a deep connection that they can tap into a transcendent power source and use its power. Unlike Almighty Link, the user cannot control/manipulate their connection or merge with it, they are just simply connected to it as if was a natural part of themselves.
- Bond Empowerment (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Adjacency Empowerment, Blood Buddies, Brother Band, Collective, Friendship Empowerment, Kisuna, Nakama Power, Power of Friendship, Power of Love): The power to gain strength from bonds of friendship, love, etc. Technique of Relationship Manipulation. Variation of Emotion Empowerment. Not to be confused with Mind Link. Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by bonds of friendship, love, sibling etc. of oneself and others or by being in the receptical range of their better selves, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the bonds or even slow or stop aging. Damon has this power only with Bonnie. Since Bonnie is Damon's true soulmate and they share a soulmate connection, their bond can be used to overcome powerful forces, including forces of danger and evil.
- Soul Link (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Soul Brotherhood, Soul Sisterhood, Spirit Brotherhood, Spirit Sisterhood, Spiritual Connection, The Soul Brother/Sister, The Spirit Brother/Sister): The power to be linked by one's own soul to another. Technique of Soul Manipulation. Variation of Symbiotic Connection. User possesses a link to somebody or something through their soul, which allows them to know each other's locations, share in other power(s) or other capabilities.
- Mind Link (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Impriting, Mental/Psionic/Psychic Link, Telepathic Connection/Link): The ability to develop a mental link with another living being. Sub-power of Telepathy. The power to link minds with other living being, sharing thoughts, memories, emotions or feelings.
- Reincarnation (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Past Life and Rebirth): The power to pass one's spirit/soul into another body after death. Not to be confused with Resurrection as the user possesses a new body. The user is capable of surviving and escaping death by having their spirit/soul reborn in the body of another and possess a body that was just born, new-born being. If they reincarnate by possessing another body they gain the physical capabilities of the host, but also the drawbacks and potentially the social connections as well. If they reincarnate by being reborn in new body, their original powers may be radically changed in strength or they may end up with new powers. Due to their soulmate connection, it is stated that even when both Damon and Bonnie end up dying, they may reincarnate in other future lifetimes only to find each other and fall in love again. It is also likely that Damon and Bonnie have shared many past lives together due to being soulmates.
- Past Life Awareness (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Reminiscing): The power to allow the user to remember all their past lives. Variation of Retrocognition. Users have the power to remember some, or each and every one, of their past lives. The user can even remember every power from their past lives in order to use them.
- Affinity (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Augmentation, Empowerment, Power-Up): The power to gain strength from something, or when a certain event occurs. Combination of Power Augmentation and Enhanced Condition. Opposite to Aversion. Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact with a certain object, event, or emotion, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers (e.g. those with Water Affinity may be able to unlock Water Manipulation when they are in a large body of water). Some users may be able draw sustenance from their affinity or even slow or stop aging.
- Empathy (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Emotion Perception, Emotion Sense, Empathic Perception, Empathic Sense): The power to fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others. The user can fully interpret and replicate the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another. They can attack someone in a personal and emotional way since they know exactly what emotion is flowing through themselves and can use this knowledge to play against them. Some users may learn to read emotional imprints left into environment or objects. Usually over time, an Empath's power grows to the point that they can manipulate emotions on others, and possibly use them to empower themselves. The user may learn to extend their power over/on vast number of sentient beings or reach extreme distances, even other levels of existence but this may be possible only if the user has emotional link to those they search already in effect.
- Soul Empowerment (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Soul/Spirit Affinity, Spirit Empowerment): The power to gain strength from souls. Technique of Soul Manipulation. Variation of Affinity. Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact with, are near or are in the possession of the soul of oneself and/or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the souls or even slow or stop aging.
- Hyper Connection (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Power Bonding): The ability to have a very strong emotional bond with another creature or being. Variation of Synchronization. The user can make a connection with another creature or being, creating a bond that will be unbreakable. When this bond becomes stronger, the user and his/her creature can hit impressive levels of strength. Users can perform powerful combined attacks.
- Soul Resonation (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Soul Tuning, Tamashi No Kyumei, Soul Resonance, "Soul Eater"): Power to create a synchronization with other souls. Sub-power of Synchronization and Soul Manipulation. User can harmonize their soul with other souls, synchronizing and multiplying spiritual strength of all participants. As Bonnie's soulmate, Damon is able to tune and synchronize his spirit/soul with hers with little to no effort.
- Emotion Inducement (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Emotion Inducement): The ability to induce emotions. Sub-power of Emotion Manipulation. Variation of Mental Inducement. Not to be confused with Emotion Creation. The user can induce emotions, including happiness, sadness, rage, fear, etc., causing short-term change in emotions, exact length of the effect depends on both the users skill and power and the targets mental state. Damon and Bonnie are able to enduce any emotion on each other due to their powerful soulmate bond and connection. They will feel the emotion of the other even if they don't originally feel any particular emotion (sadness, anger, happiness, fear, etc).
- Emotion Empowerment (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Emotion Affinity, Emotional Affinity/Empowerment, Empathic Affinity/Empowerment, Feelings Affinity/Empowerment): The power to gain strength from emotions. Sub-power of Emotion Manipulation. Variation of Affinity and Emotional Power Link. Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by emotions of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the emotions or even slow or stop aging.
- Emotion Manipulation (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Advanced Empathy, Emotion Control, Emotional Control/Manipulation, Empathic Control/Manipulation, Induced Empathy, Pathokinesis): The power to manipulate emotions. User can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level. Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent responses to internal or external events which have a particular significance for the organism. They are brief in duration and consist of a coordinated set of responses, which may include verbal, physiological, behavioral, and neural mechanisms. In addition, relationships exist between emotions, such as having positive or negative influences, with direct opposites existing. The contrasting and categorizationof emotions describes how emotions are thought to relate to each other. Through their soulmate bond and connection, Damon and Bonnie may be able to have the ability or power to manipulate or bend each other's emotions to their will. This could be considered to be a toxic, dangerous and destructive aspect of the soulmate bond.
- Love Empowerment (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA The Power of Love): The ability to be empowered by love. Sub-power of Love Manipulation. Variation of Bond Empowerment and Emotion Empowerment. Opposite to Hatred Empowerment. Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by love of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from love or even slow or stop aging.
- Love Inducement (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Infatuation Inducement and Passion Inducement): The power to induce the emotion of love into others. Sub-power of Love Manipulation. Variation of Emotion Inducement. Opposite to Hatred Inducement. The user can induce love into others, including the love for the user or love for another person. Effects will vary depending on the user's mental strength: Those subjected to this ability may develop a strong infatuation for somebody but will remain in control of themselves, or they may feel so much love for somebody that they have an intense desire to make them happy, becoming completely submissive to them. The effect is usually instant, but in some cases it may slowly take effect the more the victim meets the user/another. The soulmate bond between Damon and Bonnie is so strong that Damon's love, emotions and feelings for Bonnie were able to crack the hard stone surrounding Damon's soul which had been there for hundred's of years. Bonnie has the ability to induce feelings of love, empathy and compassion just by being in his existence.
- Love Augmentation (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Love Amplification, Passion Augmentation, and Passion Amplification): The power to augment love in others. Sub-power of Love Manipulation. Variation of Emotion Augmentation. Opposite to Hatred Augmentation. The user can augment the love in others, increasing the targets love and causing the target to become (depending on the type of love and individual personality), obsessively focused, affectionate, passionate and/or loving. Because of the soumate bond, Damon and Bonnie's love and feelings for each other increase and become heightened and magnified. Any love that they feel for each other is amplified because they are true soulmates.
- Undying Loyalty (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Absolute Loyalty, Boundless Loyalty, Loyal Embodiment, Loyal to the End, Loyalty Embodiment, The Loyal Knight, The Loyal One, Unquestionable Loyalty): The ability to remain completely loyal until the very end. May be a sub-power of Emotional Manipulation. Users can remain completely loyal until the very end, either using it on others, making them completely willing to protect and never abandoning the user, or use this on themselves, making them unable to abandon or betray their loved ones if they're ever in need.
- Loyalty Empowerment (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Loyalty Affinity/Augmentation, Piety Affinity/Augmentation/Empowerment): The power to gain strength from loyalty. Sub-power of Undying Loyalty. Variation of Affinity. Opposite to Betrayal Empowerment. Users become stronger, faster, more durable etc. from any/all types of loyalty (personal, family, group, national, species, etc.), possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the loyalty or even stop or slow aging.
- Companion Allegiance (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Companion Contracting, Companion Control, Companion Creation): The power to form an allegiance willingly or not with one or more companions. Variation of Assailant and Guardianship. Lesser form of Subordination Manipulation. The users of this power are able to form a sacred and powerful union between user and companion, and they can fight with a harmonized flow of energy. The user can also just rely on their companion to fight or they can transfer their own energies to their companion to give them energy boosts. In some cases if the user is in danger, there can be a fusion between user and companion to achieve a more powerful form.
- True Love's Kiss (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough;AKA Kiss of True Love): The power to overcome outside forces with a kiss between two lovers. Variation of Love Empowerment. User can break through any outside forces, including magic/curses/etc. with a kiss shared between two lovers. For instance, if one person is cursed into deep slumber, a kiss of true love will return that person's consciousness. In rare cases, True Love's kiss neither has to be on the lips or between lovers (like between a parent and child).
- Healing Kiss (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Holy Kiss and Kiss of Life): The power to heal others with a kiss. Variation of Healing. User can heal others physical and mental damage with a kiss.
- Destiny Chosen (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Chosen, Fated, Destined, Prophesied): Circumstance of gaining abilities associated with a particular destiny. Not to be confused with Chosen One. Opposite to Usurp Worth. The circumstance that the user is given powers related to their role in the fulfillment of a particular goal by an external, but in-story entity, such as a god or sorcerer. These powers can vary according to the world itself. Damon and Bonnie's connection is destined and they are fated to be together. Their connection and bond has existed since the beginning of time.
- Red String Manipulation (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Akai Ito Manipulation, Cupid's Thread, Soulmate Manipulation): The ability to manipulate the red strings of fate. Variation of Thread Manipulation. User can create, shape and manipulate the red string of fate, an invisible conceptual string that bonds soulmates together. They can create an limitless amount of red strings and extend them at any distance and the strings never tear apart, as it is practically indestructible. They can make the red strings become visible and touchable for others, and also choose and change anyone's soulmate, and as well control the relationship of those bonded by the strings, or even completely remove their bond.
- Astral Projection (ONLY With Bonnie McCullough; AKA Astral/Soul/Spirit Form/Mode, Astral Transport, Astral Travel, Descensum, Out of Body Travel, Soul/Spectral/Spiritual Exiting): The power to separate one's spirit from one's body. Sub-power of Astral Manipulation. User can separate their spirit from the body by entering a trance, gaining access of travel to the Astral Plane. Experienced individuals may control both the Astral and Corporeal presences.
- Decelerated Aging (AKA "Decelerated Aging Process"; "Delayed Aging"; "Eternal Youth"; "Longevity"; and "Slowed Aging"): The ability or power to age at a much slower than normal rate. The user either ages slower than normal for their species or is of the species that have extended life-span. Because Damon is a vampire, he is immortal and therefore, has stopped aging at the young age of 21. Damon is technically over 500 years old but because he died at 21 human years old, he will no longer age like that of a normal human.
- Telepathy (AKA "Legilimency" or "Thought Casting"): The power to mentally receive and/or transmit information. Users of this power are often called Telepaths or Mind Readers. User can read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or affect their minds/thoughts. Telepathy falls into two categories: Telepathic Communication, which is the ability to transmit information from mind to another, and Telepathic Perception, which is the ability to receive information from another mind. Damon often talks to Stefan telepathically. He continues this with Elena, especially after she is bestowed with angelic powers from the afterlife. Damon is also able to talk or communicate telepathically with Bonnie.
- Regenerative Healing Factor (AKA Accelerated Healing/Regeneration, Cellular Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration, Enhanced Healing/Healing Factor/Regeneration, Epithelial Cell Regeneration, Healing Factor, High Speed Regeneration/Healing/Healing Factor, Instant Regeneration, Molecular Regeneration, Rapid Cell Mitosis/Regeneration, Regeneration, Regenerative Healing, Spontaneous Regeneration/Healing/Healing Factor, Superhuman Healing/Regeneration, Superhuman Healing Factor and Tissue Regeneration): The ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury. The user can rapidly regenerate, in other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing, or even stopping, aging. The rate and amount of healing varies widely (see Levels of Regeneration), some can regrow missing limbs, others must put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. They are generally in very good physical shape as their bodies are constantly reverting to healthy state. Damon focuses his powers to heal wounds or cuts at an accelerated speed. However, when he is weak or vulnerable, he can't do this properly.
- Mind Reading (AKA "Telereceive" or "Thought Reading"): The power to sense the thoughts of people. The user can sense the thoughts of other people, usually hearing them like ordinary speech, but possibly by other senses such as sight. Usually they sense the surface thoughts (including other mental communications), but they can also learn to push farther into subconscious and memories.
- Mind Control (AKA "Brainwashing"; "Compulsion"; "Consciousness Manipulation"; "Manipulative Hypnosis"; "Mental Domination"; "Telepathic Manipulation"; and "Willpower Manipulation"): The power to control the minds of others. Damon's ability to persuade other to do what he wants is usually when he wants to feed. He can also use this power to put others to sleep at a far distance. He frequently uses this power on Elena, mostly when he wants something from her against her will, such as to take her blood for example. Damon has also been shown to use compulsion on Bonnie, mostly to erase her memories of the special or deep moments that they share together, especially times when he and Bonnie end up kissing. Damon has compelled Bonnie to forget their first meeting in After Hours.
- Mental Manipulation (AKA "Cerebral Control"; "Cerebrokinesis"; "Mental Alteration/Control"; "Mentokinesis"; and "Mind Alteration/Control"): The power to manipulate thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions of others. The user can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing the ability to render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow mental disorders or break down mental barriers. Damon is able to manipulate other people's memories against their will.
- Dream Manipulation (AKA "Dream Control/Power"; "Dreamscaping"; "Oneirhkinesis"; or "Somnipathy"): The power to enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others. User can create, shape, enter and manipulate the dreams of oneself and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. In some cases, the user's power extends to the real world, such as wounds inflicted on a sleeping victim and even pulling someone from the waking world into the dream world. Damon has shown that he has the ability to manipulate people's dreams in insert himself into them or manipulate other's dreams to his will. He has been seen doing this to Elena when he made Elena dream about him and her dancing together. Damon was also taking Elena's blood against her willl while she was asleep while manipulating her dreams.
- Shapeshifting (AKA "Biological Alteration"; "Changing"; "Copying"; "Metamorphosing"; "Metamorphosis"; "Morphing"; "Morphological Being"; "Nanomorphing"; "Omni-Mimicry"; "Polymorphing"; "Shape-Changing"; and "Transformation"): The power to transform and reshape the form of one's body. The user can shapeshift their form, transforming and reshaping down to the genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance one's body for combat, either by turning into animals, monsters or make the body stronger. Users with particularly flexible abilities can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc, even being able to form limbs into weapons and reforming after being blown apart by explosives. Damon is strong enough to turn into a crow and frequently does so throughout the series. He has even turned into a wolf. The more human blood that Damon drinks, the more Power that he consumes. By doing this, he is able to shape shift into about any form of animal.
- Animal Morphing (AKA "Animal Form/Mimicry/Physiology/Shapeshifting"; "Faunal Form/Morphing"; "Therianthropy"): The power to transform into animals. The user can transform into animals, as well as use the abilities, traits and appearance/physiology of animals by rearranging their own DNA structure. Users may be able to transform into alien animals and/or animals they have never encountered, such as Dinosaurs. Some may have this ability from an empty genetic code, allowing them to accept any form from which they have a DNA sample, others may be able to alter their form mentally and change just by seeing and mimicking animal features. Damon has been seen to shape shift into a crow (his most common animal form) and a wolf. If he consumes a copious amount of human blood, he will be able to shape shift into any animal he chooses.
- Corvid Physiology: The power to use the abilities of corvids. Variation of Avian Physiology. User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into corvids, including crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, etc.
- Animal Control: The ability to control or influence animal behaviour. The user can control animals, they can set stampedes onto attackers, get animals to fetch things. Vampires can control the minds of bats, rats and wolves found in their vicinity. These animals will obey every command of their newfound master's, even if it brings death.
- Illusion Casting: The power to employ illusions with the use of magic. The supernatural ability to be capable of disrupting the reality of one or more beings at once. This power is limited, due to the short time span of an illusion, but it can be used to neutralize the enemy without harming the victims. The user can perform the most common tricks or the most power illusionary spells. They can perform vanishing acts, pull dozens of scarfs out of their mouths, or even create conjuring spells from various bizarre spells.
- Self-Sustence (AKA "Contained Metabolism"; "Deprivation"; and "Self-Sufficiency"): The power to reduce or remove the need for bodily necessities. Users physical needs are greatly reduced or completely removed. These needs include air/breathing, sleep/rest, food, drink, bodily evacuations, shelter from environmental effects and their lack (heat/cold, dryness/wetness), etc. User is also able to stay unmoving without normal effects this would have. Damon does not require human food, drink, or sleep the way humans do. He can go without all three things and survive. The only thing that Damon needs to survive is human blood.
- Blood Consumption (AKA "Blood Draining/Sucking/Sustenance"; "Haemophagia"; "Hemophagia"; and "Hematophagia"): The power to gain power from blood and bodily fluids usually by ingestion. The user can absorb (usually by ingesting) the blood and/or bodily fluids of others for either sustenance, offensive, defensive, or regenerative purposes. Damon is a vampire, therefore, he requires blood (whether it be human or animal) to survive. If he does not feed on blood, Damon will start to desiccate and mummify. Damon also gains stronger abilities the more human blood that he drinks. Damon is one of the most strong and powerful vampires in existence due to how much human blood he has consumed over the many centuries.
- Supernatural Blood: The power to possess blood with superhuman or supernatural properties. The user's blood has been altered or mutated in some way, granting it unnatural or superhuman properties.
- Healing Blood (AKA "Miracle Blood" and "Regenerating Blood"): The power to have blood with healing properties. Combination of Healing and Blood Generation, variation of Blood Property Manipulation. User has blood that is heavily enriched with regenerative properties, which can keep themselves constantly healedand in optimal health as long as the blood keeps flowing within. By transfusing the blood to another, it can help boost the recipient's healing process. If given at large amounts, it can permanently infuse the recipient with the power of regeneration. Damon, as a vampire, has the ability to heal humans of any viruses, illnesses, injuries (such as wounds and cuts), and poisons/toxins if he feeds humans his vampire blood.
- Power Via Blood (AKA "Blood Power" and "Magical Blood"): The power to gain abilities from a special type of blood in the bloodstream. The blood of the user may have mystical, cosmic or any type of special properties granting powers to the user. The abilities can come from the blood type, ex: flammable blood may give fire manipulation, acidic blood may give acid manipulation or healing blood may give healing skills. As a vampire, Damon becomes more powerful when he consumes a large amount of human blood. Human blood makes Damon overall a much more powerful and stronger vampire, hence why Damon chooses to consume only human blood. Damon's vampire blood also provides power to humans in reverse; it has the ability to heal humans and make them healthier.
- Blood Empowerment (AKA "Blood Affinity" and "Hemoglobin Affinity/Empowerment"): The power to gain strength from blood. Technique of Blood Manipulation. Variation of Organic Empowerment. User becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come into contact with or are near blood, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the blood or even slow or stop aging.
- Conversion (AKA "Vampirization"; "Vampire Siring"; "Sire"; "Species Conversion" or "Transformation"; "Transitioning"; "Racial Conversion"; or "Turning"): The power to transform people into different creatures or to transform people into vampires. The user can transform other beings into other creatures, typically the kind they are; for example, vampires transforming humans into other vampires through a bite. The user can transform other beings into vampires. Usually humans are most common in the transformation, but other beings can also become vampires as well. In Damon's case, Damon has the ability to turn humans into a vampire like himself if a human is fed his vampire blood and eventually dies within 24 hours with vampire blood in their system. This happened to Elena, when she was fed Damon's vampire blood (along with Stefan's vampire blood) after Damon had fed from her while she was asleep. Elena ending up dying with vampire blood in her system in a car accident at Wickery Bridge, which triggered her transformation into a vampire.
- Vampirization (AKA Humanus Nocturinia Generation (Marvel Comics), Siring, The Embrace (Vampire RPG), Vampire Generation, Vampiric Transformation): The power to transform people into vampires. Sub-power of Vampire Physiology. Variation of Conversion. The user can transform other beings into vampires. Usually, humans are most common in the transformation, but other beings can also become vampires as well.
- Infectious Bite: The ability to spread viruses and diseases through bites. The user's teeth and/or saliva contain infectious diseases and viruses which they can spread to others with a bite.
- Daytime Walking (AKA "Daywalking"): The ability or power to be a nocturnal creature able to withstand exposure to direct sunlight. User is a nocturnal creature (typically vampires) able to withstand exposure to direct sunlight and be active during the day. This can be because they are a Dhampir, are endowed with magic or are unique physically in one way or another. Damon is able to expose himself to the sunlight without burning because he possesses a special lapis lazuli ring that he wears on his finger to protect him from the sunlight. This silver ring (which was given to him by Katherine) allows him to walk around in the daylight without burning. If he shall remove this ring, he will burn and burst into flames, especially due to the fact that he is over five centuries old.
- Weather Manipulation (AKA "Atmokinesis"; "Meteorkinesis"; "Meteorological Manipulation"; and "Weather Control"): The power or ability to control or manipulate the weather. User can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas. Damon is so powerful that he can control the weather around him, often making it cloudy and foggy so he doesn't have to contend with the sun/sunlight. He also has the ability to make it rain or snow.
- Air Manipulation (AKA "Aerokinesis"; "Air Control"; "Air Generation"; "Airbending"; "Anemokinesis"; "Atmosphere Control/Manipulation"; "Atmospheric Gas Manipulation"; "Spirarekinesis"; "Wind Control/Manupulation"; or "Wind Release/Fūton"): The ability or power to manipulate air. User can create, generate, shape and manipulate air, common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity, and wind, movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. It is an important factor in determining and controlling climate and weather, and the generating force of most ocean and freshwater waves. Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure, and include breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes. If Damon concentrates, he has the ability to create windy weather.
- Electricity Manipulation (AKA "Electric Current Manipulation"; "Electrokinesis"; "Fulgurkinesis"; "Electric Charge Manipulation"; "Lightning Bending/Control/Manipulation"; "Lightning Element Control"; "Lightning Release/Raiton"): The ability to manipulate electricity. User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism. If Damon consumes enough human blood and if he concentrates, Damon has the ability to create and manipulate electricity. He can create lighting and thunderstorms if he chooses to do so.
- Thermal Manipulation (AKA "Temperature Control"; "Temperature Manipulation"; "Thermal Control"; "Thermodynamics Manipulation"; "Thermokinesis"): The power to manipulate temperature. Variation of Energy Manipulation. User can create, shape and manipulate temperature, a form of kinetic energy between particles at the atomic or molecular level: the greater the movement of these particles, the greater the thermal energy and reversed. Heat itself is internal thermal energy that flows from one body of matter to another, it is not the same as the energy contained in a system—that is, the internal thermal energy of the system. Rather than being "energy-in-residence," heat is "energy-in-transit." Damon is able to manipulate the temperature of weather at his will if he consumes a copious amount of human blood and if he concentrates.
- Water Manipulation (AKA Aquakinesis; Hydrokinesis; Water Control; Water Release; or Water-Bending): The ability or power to manipulate water. User can create, generate, shape and manipulate water, inorganic compound with liquid, gas (steam, water vapour), and solid (ice) states, including changing them from one state to other. If Damon concentrates and consumes a lot of human blood, he can make it rain, snow, or fog.
- Energy Control (AKA "Autokinesis"; "Dynamokinsesis"; "Energybending"; or "Ergokinesis"): The ability to manipulate energy. User can create, shape and manipulate energy, one of the basic quantitative properties describing a physical system or object's state. It can be transformed (converted) among a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy. Common energy forms include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, and various types of potential energy such as gravitational and elastic. Damon is able to manipulate the power around him and in him. He shows this power in many ways such as shooting lightning out of his finger tips.
- Feeding, Dessication, Mummufication: All vampires need some form of life-force (human blood), but exact amounts and quality varies, as well as the consequences of not feeding. Some may feel nothing more than normal hunger, others age or weaken rapidly and some enter feral state that ends only after they have fed. Nearly all abilities of the vampire are significantly diminished if the vampire does not feed regularly. A lack of blood can cause weakness, dizziness, confusion, decreased ability to tolerate holy objects, garlic, and sunlight. Regular feeding is a necessity of the vampire, one that consumes their thoughts if hungered, and a necessity that puts them in constant risk of being “discovered”.
- Animal Blood: The preferred diet for most vampires is human blood, as it makes them more powerful and much stronger. Animal blood makes vampires much weaker and it weakens their strength and power. However, some vampires, such as Stefan for example, choose to live on an animal blood diet mostly out of choice or because of personal ethics and morals. Damon, unlike Stefan, chooses to not feed on animal blood at all and instead, chooses to live on a strict human blood diet, whether the donor gives their blood willingly or if Damon takes their blood by force.
- Controlling Thirst or Hunger for Human Blood: Some times vampires may have a very hard time controlling their thirst or blood lust. If they do not feed, they can become rather feral in nature and end up going on a rampage if they do not learn the process of control. Some times the smell of scent of human blod can prove to be so overwhelming to vampires that they can go crazy and lose all sense of logic when it comes to obtaining human blood. This happens to Stefan in Evensong: Paradise Lost, when Stefan ends up losing control while feeding on Elena's blood. Stefan normally is able to control his hunger or his thirst and has lived on a diet of animal blood for five centuries. But he eventually broke his vow of half of a millennium and drinks Elena's blood in the form of blood sharing, which is known to be a strongly intimate acitvity done between soulmates and lovers.
- Emotions (Love, Anger, Fear, Sadness, Revenge, Lust, Passion, etc): Vampires can be and often are very emotional and passionate creatures. When vampires turn, their emotions are heightened and every feeling that they felt as a human will be strongly amplified as a vampire. If a human was very angry or vengeful as a human, those traits and characteristics will only get stronger and become more amplified if they become a vampire. If a human was very moral and noble as a human, those noble traits will be strong amplified and magnified if they become a vampire, such as in the case of Stefan. During Stefan's human life, he was a very moral, noble and honourable person. When Stefan became a vampire, he became even more noble and moral, to the point where he has never killed a human being for blood for over five centuries and instead,d chose to isolate himself and live in the shadows away from the light and humanity. Vampires also show vulnerability and weakness when it comes to love. They show that despite being a predatory species that is mean tot hunt and kill others to live, that they are capable of feeling love and affection for others. When vampires do love, they love intensely and more passionately than that of a human. This is evident in the case of Stefan's powerful and overwhelming love for Elena. In Stefan's case, since Elena is his one true love and soulmate, Stefan's feelings and love for Elena are all consuming and extremely powerful as the love between soulmates is known to be consuming, electrifying and transcendent, almost divine and otherworldly in nature. Damon's intense and passionate love and affection for Bonnie and his strong desire to protect her from all harm and dangers is another example. He has shown a very strong protective quality or instinct when it comes to Bonnie and he is willing to go to extreme lengths to save her and protect her from danger. Damon's bond and strong emotions towards Bonnie have shown to be so strong that Damon becomes more vulnerable around Bonnie, to the point that Damon's love for Bonnie was strong and powerful enough to crack the stone encasing Damon's soul; a piece of stone that has surrounded Damon's soul since he was a human boy. Bonnie has been established as Damon's ultimate kryptonite or weakness (also referred to as a 'weak spot').
- Sunlight: This is the bane of any vampire’s existence. Direct sunlight contact has the ability to kill vampires in contact after only a few minutes. The effect on the vampire turns them to ash. Fabricated sunlight (sunlight created from alchemical or magical means) has the lessened effect of crippling a vampire's weaknesses. Catacombs, caves, tunnels, and sewers are the preferred method of transit for a vampire. A younger or newborn vampire will not immediately go up in flames or turn to ash as a much older vampire would. An older vampire is exposed to direct sunlight, they will immediately become inflamed and turn to ashes. The one thing that prevents vampires from burning in the sunlight are their special rings which contain a lapis lazuli stone (which is mostly likely enchanted). These rings allow vampires to walk around in the sunlight without burning. If they shall remove these rings, they will burn in the sunlight.
- Garlic or Onions: In some cases, if a vampire ingests garlic or it enters their blood stream, it could prove to be harmful to vampires. It can cause an allergic reaction, burning their insides like acid. The smell of garlic can be considered repugnant to some vampires. In most cases, garlic is used to ward off vampires.
- Holy/Religious or Hallowed Objects (Crosses, Holy Water): Objects that have been blessed by priests or divine entities are considered to be “holy” and have crippling effects to Vampires. Items like holy water acts as the equivalent to acid while items such as holy crosses may burn and melt the flesh on contact. Hallowed Grounds: These are more commonly known as churches or any place of worship. Vampires who find themselves on hallowed grounds may start to feel very ill and weak after a while. Vampires on hallowed ground experience their strengths and abilities diminished to 50%.
- Veiled Matter (Ghosts, Spirits): A vampire can not hurt and defeat a ghost. But ghosts can manifest and send a vampire to a place where they can not do more damage.
- Silver or Silver Objects: Silver can be proven to be harmful to vampires, although it won't kill them. If a vampire was stabbed by something silver and it wounds them, their source of power and strength might be drained. If the silver item is also enchanted by magic, it would prove more detrimental to the vampire's strength and power. Using silver is a bit like a blend between sunlight and a wooden stake. It doesn't work as well as either of those two options, but it has advantages of its own. First of all, unlike sunlight, silver is highly portable. You can carry an item of solid silver (make sure it's real, solid silver please) with you easily. Secondly, it won't kill a vampire to stab it in the heart with silver (as it would using a wooden stake), but it will slow down the healing process, which can be very helpful. In order to actually kill a vampire using silver, you'd probably need a lot of it. Silver is more helpful as a slowing or trapping agent. Vampires, despite their strength, cannot break a chain of silver, even if they tried.
- Wood, Wooden Stakes, Wooden Bullets: If a vampire were to be staked in the heart by wood or a wooden stake, they would turn to ash immediately. This is permanent death for a vampire. Even if they are stabbed by a piece of wood anywhere on their body, it would weaken and harm them immensely but would not kill them unless it is through the heart. Wounding a vampire with a wooden weapon such as wooden bullets will incapacitate them, and it will take longer for them to heal their injuries than if the wounds were caused by any other substance. Stabbing a vampire through the heart with a wooden stake will result in instantaneous and permanent death.
- Cancer: Although vampires cannot catch diseases and illnesses such as cancer, if a human has active cancer and is turned into a vampire, the effects of the cancer will increase. The regenerative properties of vampire blood will speed up the replication of cancer cells of and exceed normal stages of the condition.
- Vervain: Vervain is a potent herb, and a vampire's most well-known weakness. If a vampire makes physical contact with vervain in any form, it will burn them. If a vampire ingests vervain, the vampire's throat and digestive tract will be burned and they will become feverish and extremely weak. If a human ingests or holds vervain somewhere in or on the body (such as holding it in a hand or pocket, or wearing it in jewelry), the human is protected from vampire compulsion and entitled to free will. Vervain is used to stop vampires from compelling humans. Its negative effects on vampires are a result of Nature's attempt to create a weakness for every strength that a vampire gained after being turned. Humans who ingest vervain also have the added benefit of making their blood unappealing to vampires as a result of the weakness and burns it causes; however, most vampires are unable to tell if a human has been ingesting vervain unless they are somehow able to smell it on them, so it does not always ensure that a human is completely safe from vampire attacks. Another use for vervain is for it to be used as a weapon against vampires that can weaken and/or wound them enough to be easily captured or killed. The werewolf equivalent of this is wolfsbane., which has the same effect on werewolves that vervain has on vampires.
- Decapitation: Decapitation is a method killing that involves the removal of someone's head. This is a method which can be used to kill supernatural species such as vampires, werewolves, hybrids, witches and doppelgängers. The most common way this method is used usually involves a supernatural being with enhanced strength, such as a vampire or a hybrid, who uses that strength to slice through another supernatural beings neck with their bare hands. Thus, separating the head from the body. Decapitation will instantly result in a vampire's death.
- Heart Extraction: Heart Extraction is a method of killing that involves the removal of someone's heart. This is a method which can be used to kill supernatural species such as vampires, werewolves, hybrids, witches and doppelgängers. The most common way this method is used usually involves a supernatural being with enhanced strength, such as a vampire or a hybrid, who uses that strength to punch through another supernatural beings' chest or back. The person then grabs the heart in their fist and firmly rips it out, killing them instantly. This method will result in a permanent death for a vampire.
- Broken Neck: Breaking a vampire's neck will not kill them, but it will render them unconscious for varying amounts of time, depending on the diet and age of the person in question.
- The Cure/Becoming Human: The cure for immortality or the cure for vampirism will reverse the effects of vampirism and will strip them of all of the abilities they gained as an immortal, turning them back to a human. They will then become mortal and therefore, become weak to all of the mortal weaknesses, such as aging, illness, disease, death, etc.
- Humanization: The power to transform supernatural beings into ordinary humans. Opposite of Conversion and alternate power of Power Erasure. The user can transform themselves or other beings into regular humans (or if they are super-powered members of other species, to normal members of their species) by removing all of their supernatural traits, which renders their target completely powerless. This is different from Power Erasure in its ability to eliminate all supernatural traits from the target, including their natural affinity, and sometimes DNA. If Damon becomes human, he will lose all of his powers and abilities as a vampire and would die as a regular human.
- Conversion Negation: The power to revert transformed people to their original states. Variation of Negation. Opposite of Conversion. The user can transform other beings back into their original species; for example, the user can turn a vampire back into their original species, or reverse a werewolf's transformation. Other powerful beings or objects have the potential to strip Damon of his vampirism and immortality, turning him back to the species that he originally was before he was turned into a vampire, which is human.
- Immortality Removal or Erasure: The power to remove Immortality from immortals, rendering them mortal and vulnerable. Sub-power of Immortality Manipulation. Opposite to Immortality Bestowal. If Damon becomes human and is removed of his vampirism, he loses his immortality. He would then age and die like a regular human would.
- Fire: This is a weakness for vampires. If they are exposed to fire or set on fire, this will result in their immediate death. Vampires are highly flammable and sensitive to fire, and will quickly burn and die from it if the flames are not extinguished in time. This quality has been proven to be useful in disposing of the remains of a dead vampire without any physical evidence.
- Werewolf Bite: This is a well known weakness to vampires. A Werewolf Bite is an ability of a werewolf to produce fangs which can be used to bite in an animalistic manner. This bite is fatal to all vampires. While it was long thought to have been the bite itself, it is now discovered that is due to the extremely venomous toxins that are produced by the salvatory glands found in mouths of both werewolves. The bite is usually used as a weapon by werewolves against their vampire enemies, as it is one of the easiest methods of killing a vampire. Whenever a vampire is bitten by a werewolf or hybrid, the venom will be transmitted into the vampire's bloodstream from the werewolf's mouth. Once the blood is contaminated by the toxin, the vampire's heart will pump the venom throughout their entire cardiovascular and systemic circulatory system, during which time it will infect every cell in the vampire's body. There is no cure for a werewolf bite and the vampire that is bitten by a werewolf will eventually die.
- Weapons: Although weapons such as guns and knives won't kill a vampire immediately, they ca be harmful to vampires in the sense that they can wound vampires. However, vampires have the ability to heal even if they are shot or stabbed by any weapon.
- Vampire Hunters or Slayers: Someone with a special destiny, equipment, powers, or training for taking on vampires. In some legends, vampires can mate with humans to produce dhampyrs, beings that are often born with an instinctual hatred for vampires and occasionally an innate ability or advantage to destroy them.
- Vampire Toxicity: The ability to possess blood that is toxic to vampiric entities. Sub-power of Power Via Blood. The user possesses blood that is toxic to vampiric entities that renders them immune to vampirism and can affect or kill any vampiric being that comes in contact with their blood.
- Vampirism Immunity: The power to be immune to vampirism. Variation of Contaminant Immunity. Related to Vampiric Toxicity. People may be immune to vampirism, meaning that they cannot be transformed into a vampire by any means.
- Control Negation: The Power to negate mind control and subordination powers. Variation of Power Negation. User has the ability to negate/cancel any and all forms of mind control and subordination manipulation on themselves and others. Usage of this power also negates any benefits given from subordination powers and can cancel any form of master/slave power as well. People that have this ability will not be able to be controlled, compelled or influenced by vampires when they use their ability or compulsion of mind control on them.
- Running Water: Frequently interpreted to mean vampires can't cross flowing water. The effects of flowing water vary greatly depending on the story. Running water, like sunlight, carries a charge of positive energy that vampires cannot tolerate. They cannot voluntarily cross naturally running water, nor can they pass under it through a tunnel, or fly above it except at exceedingly high altitude. The water must be freely running in a natural channel (such as a stream or waterfall, but not the flow from a rain gutter or from a decanter of endless water ), and substantially free from contamination. Vampires may cross water that is corrupted by blood, filth, or any substance other than soil without penalty. A vampire who is forced to cross a body of running water becomes stunned as long as they find themselves above running water. This effect is supernatural in nature and cannot be avoided by spells such as water breathing, protection from elements, and so on.
- Invitation: Vampires cannot enter any place without being invited in by someone. This can range from killing them to simply that they physically can't enter a place. However, it is still a large disadvantage. Once they are invited in or given permission by someone to enter a place, they may come and go into the place of their own will. Whatever the reason, vampires cannot enter a private home or dwelling unless invited in by someone with the authority to do so.
- Magic or Witchcraft: Vampires are susceptible to the powers of witchcraft. This is inclusive of spells, rituals, enchantments, incantations, and magical objects and symbols. Witches and warlocks have been seen to use magic to cause agonizing pain by inducing aneurysms in their brain or muscle spasms, telekinetically ripping out their hearts or snapping their necks, magically increasing their hunger for blood to unbearable levels, setting them ablaze with a single thought, and desiccating or petrifying them to the point of mummification.
- Physical Trauma: Minor physical injuries such as gunshots, stab wounds and broken bones will cause a pain and also slow them down. However, this is momentary as they will heal completely within seconds so long as they haven't been weakened by other means such as vervain or werewolf bites.
- Poison or Toxin: Although vampires are generally immune to all poisons and toxins, there have recently been various poisons shown invented by people that are capable of incapacitate or desiccate a vampire when administered.
- Mirrors: The myth that vampires did not cast a reflection may have come from the belief that vampires had no souls. However, this has shown to not be the case.
- Shapeshifting: The origin of the myth that vampires had the power to morph into a bat, wolf, rat, or a cloud of mist is unknown. It may be the result of a mistake of perception between vampires and werewolves. However, it is true that if vampires consume a lot of human blood all at once and use their concentration and focus, they are able to shape shift into any animal of their choice.
- Soulless: The belief that vampires are soulless beings may have stemmed from their ability to shut down their humanity, causing them to block out their emotions and behave without remorse or regret, giving off the impression that they have no conscience and by extension, lack a soul. However, this is proven to not be true as there are some vampires that are able to see their reflections in the mirrors, such as Stefan for example. It is also proven that Stefan is not soulless and does in fact have a soul, because he is able to feel emotions and love for his soulmate Elena.
- Death: Contrary to popular belief, vampires have beating hearts and they cannot function without oxygen. They will, however, be forced to revive after suffocation or oxygen deprivation but will only die again if the circumstances of their revival are less than favorable.
- Coffins: Vampires may end up bound to their coffins or the earth/soil of their graves. Ho often they may need to be in their coffins or graves may vary depending on the vampire.
- Stigmatization: Vampires, as well as other undead or inhuman creatures, may be shunned or frowned upon by other people, in particular humans who are supernatural hunters. Many non-vampires may be very fearful of them as well due to the stereotype and the belief that all vampires are blood thirsty, murderous killers.
Damiano ♂ (Name 1)[]
- Damon is a masculine given name of Greek origin. The name Damon means "Constant", "Loyal", "To Tame", "To Sooth", "Tamer" or "Soother". It is a variation of the name Damian.
- Damiano is the Italian version of the name Damian or Damon.
Salvatore ♂ (Surname)[]
- Salvatore is a surname of Italian origin. The name Salvatore means "Saviour".
Early Life[]
Damon was born in Renaissance Florence, Italy along with his younger brother Stefan to Conte Giuseppe Salvatore and Contessa Maria Antonietta Salvatore. Damon always resented Stefan because their mother had been greatly weakened by his birth and died. Damon has a very rough, dysfunctional relationship with Giuseppe, sparring since Damon's childhood. Whenever his father was drunk and in a temper, he would beat and abuse Damon, scarring his childhood. Damon grew up to be a charming and handsome aristocrat, tutored in his education, but living rebelliously and dangerously. His father was infuriated when Damon announced that he was quitting University. He was also attracted to their guest's, Baron Von Schwarzschild's daughter Katherine Von Schwarzschild. He and Stefan became rivals for her affections and had her chose which one of them she wished for her husband. To their shock, Katherine chose both brothers, but neither could accept this. Katherine was heartbroken and decided to right their rivalry by committing suicide, but this only made the situation worse, and the brothers fought to the death, killing each other with their swords. They awoke in their tombs as vampires, having shared blood with Katherine. Damon joined the Free Companies, drinking the blood of his victims and becoming immensely powerful. He came across Stefan years later and warned him to stay away or Damon would kill him. Stefan obeyed and left Florence for good. Damon always kept an eye on Stefan though and followed him to the New World. Born October 30th 1469 in Renaissance Italy, Damon had everything he could desire. His father, Conte Di Giuseppe Salvatore was one of the leading men in Florence and Damon was born to wealth and privilege. Being the first child, Damon developed a close relationship with his mother, however some years after his birth, Damon’s mother fell pregnant again with her second child, and Stefan was born. But due to complications in the pregnancy, their mother suffered an illness and died shortly after. During his life, Damon made sure that he was always one step ahead of his brother. This seems in part to the effect that the death of their mother had on Damon. Their mother died when both Stefan and Damon were very young and since then Damon had been resentful of Stefan. Stefan himself, believes Damon blamed Stefan for their mother’s death. The death of his mother also seemed to cause a rift between him and his father that continued into his adulthood. Damon seems to have rebelled against what his family expected of him and also, what was normal at the time at University, instead of upholding the family honor, he indulged in his own pleasures – hunting, hawking, drinking, sword fighting, jousting, and womanizing. After some time, he decided that he had had enough of University and its constraints and went back to the Salvatore Estate, where they had a visitor–Katherine von Swartzschild, who was visiting Italy after a sickness and with whom Stefan had fallen in love with. From what we gather, Damon was intoxicated by Katherine’s beauty and wanted to selfishly have her as his own, but also, the opportunity of upsetting his father and Stefan was too good to pass up. Katherine was also enamored by Damon but still deeply in love with Stefan and could not choose between them. She told both of them her secret – that she was a vampire – and shared her gift with them. Damon was enraged that she would not choose him over his younger brother and demanded (with Stefan) that Katherine choose one of them. When she would not make up her mind, the brothers left in anger, and the next day, they found Katherine’s ashes in the garden. Both brothers were upset, and blamed the other for her death. Stefan attacked Damon and they fought each other with swords. Eventually during their dual, Damon's sword slipped under Stefan guard and pierced his heart, slowly killing him and triggering his transformation into a vampire. When Damon stepped over Stefan, we assume to see whether his brother was dead, Stefan, with the last of his strength, stabbed and killed his brother, triggering Damon's transformation. The brothers awoke in their tomb a few days later, having turned into vampires by Katherine’s blood. Damon ran out into the night, abandoning Stefan and ignoring Stefan’s cries. We know very little of Damon after that. From what Stefan says to Elena, Damon became the leader of a group of 'Free Mercenaries or Companies' and enjoyed the power that he gained from killing innocent people. Over the years, Damon became more powerful and frequently threatened Stefan's life. Later, Damon shows up in Fell’s Church with Stefan, having been lured there by Katherine and the fight for Elena begins between the brothers.
Throughout The Series[]
The Awakening[]
Damon came to Fell's Church to discover that Elena Gilbert resembled Katherine von Swartzschild, his creator, and planned to make her his Princess of Darkness, but she was already in love with his younger brother Stefan. While Elena and her friends, Meredith Sulez and Bonnie McCullough were planning the Haunted House for Halloween, the lights in the school went out so Meredith and Bonnie went to find the janitor, Mr. Shelby, leaving Elena alone. Damon was in the gym with Elena and startled her with his presence. He mesmerized her, temporarily causing her to forget Stefan, but as he leaned in to kiss her, she remembered her love for Stefan, remaining loyal to him and backed away. Frustrated, Damon let her leave when he would tell her what he had come for, but as she reached the door, he said he had found what he came for: Elena. Elena turned around, but Damon was gone. Elena was highly uneasy with this encounter, as not soon afterwards, she came across Damon again. Bonnie had shown Elena the ritual to see who your future husband was and when Elena said "come in" she accidentally invited Damon into the house. Again, Damon used his charm and poetry to woe her, but Elena resisted, angering him. After he left, Elena found Bonnie and Meredith outside with Bonnie's mother's dog; he was dead. Damon went to the Halloween Party dressed as the Grim Reaper. During the party, he killed Mr. Tanner, the European History teacher, draining him of all his blood. Bonnie discovered his death and Tyler Smallwood immediately suspected Stefan as the culprit. Elena had Matt give Stefan a warning to leave, but when she found Stefan, she discovered he was a vampire. Stefan explained who he was to her and about his and Damon's rivalry for Katherine's affections. Elena told him that Damon was behind the attacks and that he was in town too. She accepted who Stefan was and exchanged blood with him. Stefan later went out into the woods and confronted Damon. Stefan warned Damon to stay away from Elena, but Damon attacked him in a violent manner, bit him and drained quite a lot of blood from his little brother. Stefan stumbled away from Damon weakened by blood loss, but then fell unconscious. When Stefan went missing, Elena suspected Damon was behind it all and deeply angered and furious, she ran to the cemetery and called for him to confront her.
The Struggle[]
Elena called for Damon again and he responded. Initially furious at Damon, Elena demanded to know where Stefan was, but Damon was very unhelpful. Damon also feeds off of Elena while she dreams about the two of them dancing in a ballroom. Later, when Elena, Bonnie and Meredith break into Caroline Forbes house to steal back Elena's diary, when the Forbes return home, Elena is separated from Bonnie and Meredith. She managed to get past the master bedroom and onto the balcony where she attempts to get on the roof when Mr. Forbes comes out. As she tries to climb up Damon pulls her up. While there they trade witty comments until Elena jumps off the roof. Damon catches her and tells her to go home. Later Elena goes home and is introduced to 'Damon Smith' by her future uncle Robert. While at dinner the two again argue under metaphors. When Margret comes in with her new cat, Elena grabs it and throws it at Damon, then leaving dinner. Damon shows up that night, and is furious when he can't come into Elena's room, as part of the house burned in the Civil War. He threatens Margret, which leads to him exchanging blood with Elena. Damon also appears at the end of the book when he replaces Elena's stolen diary with Caroline's. He is with Judith and Robert when Elena runs off, leading to her death. She also believes the wind that pushes her into the water is Damon for a short time, but soon realizes its far more powerful than him. At the end of the book Damon and Stefan begin their fight, starting as a crow and a falcon, eventually becoming human.
The Fury[]
When Elena first awakens as a vampire, Damon is pleased to see she had more blood from him, thus pulling Stefan (who recently fed off of many humans) off of Damon. She then goes off with Damon, who stops her from killing several nearby cops inspecting her death scene. Stefan convinces Damon to meet him at the school. There Elena feeds off of Matt. Damon then takes her (much to Stefan's dismay) to Alaric's attic. Before this though, she begs for her diary, which he gives her. He leaves Elena there and goes off on some business. Leaving Elena confused as to why he didn't kiss her. Later, when the haze disappears and Elena begins to think clearly again, she reflects on how grateful and surprised she is that Damon hadn't taken advantage of her. Damon is also there when Stefan is taken by Mr. Forbes. He turns into a black wolf and gets there the quickest. Even when one of the men there are about to shot him he still attempts to fight. Elena shows up in time however. He also is there when he, Stefan and Elena are all kidnapped by Katherine. Katherine (in a rage over Elena and Stefan) tells Damon they could run away together and that all he has to do is help her kill them. He says "Go to hell" which leads to him nearly being killed. Both Elena and Stefan are shocked by this and both mention that they thought he would betray them. When Elena is dying she has the brothers promise to take care of each other which they both swear. Damon is vaguely mentioned to cry when Elena dies. In Bonnie's diary, she mentions Damon left soon after the events, and that he shouldn't be surprised to have a shadow, as Stefan was set on keeping his promise.
Dark Reunion[]
Six months after Elena's death, Damon lives in Florence, Italy with Stefan, who kept his promise to Elena to always look out for his brother. Stefan finds Damon in his room peeling an apple and scowls him for wooing and feeding on a girl without erasing her memory. Damon doesn't care and as Stefan turns to leave, Bonnie's summoning spell gets through to Stefan, calling him back to Fell's Church. Damon accompanies him, much to Matt Honeycutt, Bonnie McCullough and Meredith Sulez's dismay and shock. The group went to Vickie Bennett's house, and Damon used his Powers to put her parents to sleep for a while. Stefan coaxed Vickie to invite him in the house, and while he tried to get information out of her, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, frightening everyone. Bonnie grabbed at Damon's arm for support, but embarrassingly let go when she saw who it was. Damon however pointed towards Vickie's mirror which was covered with the words "Goodnight Sweetheart". Damon took the first watch in guarding Vickie. Stefan returned for his watch and warned Damon that the town had had enough drama, and while going for something to eat, to erase the individual's memory. Damon started to walk off when Stefan thanked him, but Damon warned him not to expect too much from him. Later, when Damon came to take his watch, he found Bonnie there. She had been startled by him and was immediately taken by him against the nighttime. Damon kissed her but was interrupted by a furious-looking Matt, who told Bonnie to go to the car. Matt got into an argument with Damon but defended himself, impressing Damon in the very slightest. Stefan, Meredith, Matt and Bonnie discovered from Tyler Smallwood that Vickie was about to be attacked and returned to her house only to find her dead. Stefan was extremely furious with Damon for not protecting her and yelled at him until Damon finally punched him in the face. Meredith and Bonnie immediately went to help Stefan while Matt stood between them. Damon decided to leave and warned his brother not to follow. Stefan remained the only vampire who could protect the group, but went to fight Klaus, the very powerful vampire who is an 'Old One', who was behind the attacks and who was also Katherine's creator. Stefan fought very courageously and bravely, but lost the fight and as Klaus was about to kill Stefan, a rod of white-ash wood logged itself into Klaus's back. Damon had returned and yelled at Klaus to stay away from his brother. Klaus ran off and Damon fell at Stefan's side, horrified by his brother's condition. Bonnie offered to feed Stefan her blood to strengthen him, but Stefan refused to break his promise to drink human blood, being called a fool by Damon. Stefan ordered Damon to take the others to safety just as Klaus returned. Damon tried to attack, but Klaus blasted him with lightning, knocking him unconscious and harming him in the process. By Bonnie's cries for help, the spirits of Fell's Church, those who had died in the Civil War, awoke and followed Elena's spirit to the group. The summer solstice had begun. The spirits took Klaus away to a place he would no longer hurt anyone. Elena healed Stefan, Matt, Damon, Meredith, Caroline and Bonnie before being forced to move on. Damon saw Stefan's heart get ripped apart again by her lost, but a sudden blast of energy flashed across the sky and Elena returned to them, alive and human. Everyone was overjoyed but Damon remained distant, offering his jacket to Elena for warmth. Stefan asked why Damon didn't attempt to help Vicki, and Damon told him that he hadn't been invited into the house, so he couldn't even try. Damon turned away and flew off as a crow. Everyone else celebrated Elena's return.
The Return: Nightfall[]
In this book, Damon watches outside Caroline’s window as Caroline talks to an independent image of herself. Damon believes the mirror-Caroline to be a supernatural evil force that is playing some sort of trick on Caroline. He feels a sharp puncture on his neck while he watches, which surprises him because mosquitoes do not bite vampires. After the mirror-Caroline goes away, Damon persuades Caroline to let him into her bedroom. He is about to bite her when he realizes that he is being influenced to do so by something, probably the supernatural evil force creating the mirror-Caroline. He rejects it and leaves. Afterwards, he goes around the town of Fell’s Church seducing and biting young women and shoplifting. He does not have sex with them because, as a vampire, he is impotent. Vampires only enjoy bloodlust and its satisfaction. Damon visits Stefan and Elena, beats up Stefan and drinks his blood, and demands the return of the leather jacket he gave Elena. Damon seduces a woman named Damaris, who he does not like, and drinks her blood. When he leaves her, he may have turned her into a vampire. He doesn’t know or care, but thinks her vampirism may be amusing when her husband finds her. As Bonnie, Meredith, and Matt drive home from the boarding house, they are surrounded and attacked by ambulatory trees, which poison the three humans with their sap. Bonnie uses her psychic powers to call to Damon for help, but even though he is nearby, he does not respond at first. When he does respond, he decides to save the nearly-dead Bonnie. Returning to the boarding house with her, he nearly runs into Stefan, who is driving with the floating Elena tethered to his car like a balloon. Damon realizes that Stefan is actually super-powered because he has been drinking Elena’s spiritually super-charged blood, and he was letting Damon beat him up before in order to conceal the power of Elena’s blood. Stefan volunteers to save Meredith and Matt while Damon cares for Bonnie. Damon rescues Bonnie by partially undressing her, floating her in a bath of warm water, and then feeding her his blood. Meredith, now fully recovered, threatens him if she finds he has removed Bonnie’s panties. Finding that he did not do so, she and the others relent. Bonnie, however, wakes up and accuses Damon of watching while the trees attempted to kill them all. The others reject Damon, who leaves in spite of Elena’s incoherent request that he stay. Elena tells the others that she saw a tentacled monster inside Damon the day before. She says that when Damon ignored Bonnie, he was being influenced by a supernatural evil termed a malach. The others agree that a malach may have been affecting Tami and that they will mount a campaign to save the girls of Fell’s Church from the new evil. Meanwhile, Shinichi, now identified as a kitsune, and Damon are watching unseen. Damon says that he doesn’t want “his” girls—Bonnie and Elena—hurt. Shinichi puts Damon in a trance and encourages the malach inside Damon to grow larger and stronger. Damon tells Stefan that there is a website referring to an organization, the Shi no Shi, that can turn vampires to humans. Stefan is suspicious but agrees to visit Damon in the woods at a particular time to learn more about it. He leaves a note on the computer for Elena and sneaks off while she sleeps. Damon changes the note to read that Stefan has decided to leave Elena for her own good. Elena wakes and believes that she has been abandoned by Stefan. Meredith and Bonnie set out to visit Caroline to see if she is malach-infested. Caroline is scuttling on the ceiling of her living room like a lizard, and she runs under the bed in her mother’s room. When Caroline’s mother faints, Meredith and Bonnie carry her to her bedroom and deposit her on the bed. The possessed Caroline, or some other force, grabs their ankles. Bonnie calls Damon to help. Damon arrives, frees Bonnie and Meredith, kisses Bonnie, and leaves. In the Old Wood, Matt and Elena encounter Damon, who orders them to kiss and then have sex while he films them with a video camera. Elena at first tries to cooperate, but Matt objects and is tortured by Damon. Elena decides that Damon is not acting like himself. She attempts to rescue Matt by persuading Damon to drive away. However, she leaps out of the speeding car, hoping to make her way on foot to a nearby house. She is badly injured by her jump, however, and she cannot find the house because she is caught in a snow globe trap designed by Shinichi. Damon suddenly comes to himself with vague memories of hurting Elena. He finds Shinichi and threatens to torture him. Shinichi reveals Elena’s location and how to cure her injuries, and he leaves Damon with a kitsune key that will magically open any door. Damon creates a door to whatever room he finds necessary to heal Elena. Being in a spot not covered by the fairytale rules governing his ability to tell her the truth, Damon confesses to her that he and Shinichi kidnapped Stefan and that Shinichi and his twin sister, Misao, are evil kitsunes who plan to destroy Fell’s Church. The kitsunes are the ones behind the malach, the ambulatory trees, and the sexually precocious and self-mutilating girls. Damon also drinks Elena's blood and realizes that it has amazing powers, including the power to restore a vampire's sexual potency. Damon’s possession returns, however, and he attacks Elena, who flees with the key through a series of doors. At last, she directs the key to open a door taking her to someplace the kitsune can’t see. When Damon chases her to this place, Elena finds within herself a power she identifies as Wings of Redemption. Rainbow-colored wings open on her back and enfold her and Damon, who screams as he is redeemed from all his sins. He also forgets everything, so Elena opens up her violet-blue Wings of Remembrance, which allow him to remember. Damon realizes that he has been possessed by Shinichi and that he’d been playing the villain, and he calls himself an abomination, kisses Elena’s foot, and vows to be her slave. Elena then opens up her white Wings of Purification. Still with the wings open, she causes Damon to lie face-down on her lap and uses her fingernails to pull the malach out of his spine. The malach had originally entered via the puncture in Damon’s neck at that Damon mistook for a mosquito at the beginning of the book. Damon stands up and stomps on the malach to kill it. Damon and Elena then concoct a plan to defeat Shinichi and Misao. First, however, Elena makes a side trip to visit Stefan, who is imprisoned in a dungeon in a hell dimension. She makes him drink her blood to regain some of her strength.
The Return: Shadow Souls[]
At the end of Shadow Souls, Damon was turned into a mortal human, although Stefan's humanity was supposed to be given back, but Damon took it instead by accident and now has to deal with the suffering of dealing with humanity when Damon wants absolutely nothing to do with it whatsoever. Damon and Stefan only wish they could switch places now (Stefan as a human and Damon as a vampire). TBC
The Return: Midnight[]
The Hunters: Phantom[]
The Hunters: Moonsong[]
The Hunters: Destiny Rising[]
The Salvation: Unseen[]
The Salvation: Unspoken[]
The Salvation: Unmasked[]
Evensong: Paradise Lost[]
Evensong: War Of Roses (Part 1)[]
Evensong: War Of Roses (Part 2)[]
Evensong: Into The Woods[]
- Damon's birthday is October 30th.
- Damon's zodiac sign is Scorpio.
- Damon loves oranges.
- Damon was very close to his mother as a child and was devastated by her death. In fact, it was her death that shaped him into the person he became (which is unsympathetic, ruthless, uncaring, cold, unfeeling, etc). In addition, his mother's death is also the reason why he developed such a strong hatred and disdain for Stefan since childhood for he blames Stefan for her death.
- Damon is right-handed, even though he wears his daylight ring on his left hand.
- Damon is older than his younger brother Stefan by 3 years and 11 months.
- Damon met Bonnie before Elena (After Hours).
- Damon kissed Bonnie before Elena (After Hours again).
- Damon wears his daylight ring on either the index, middle or ring finger of his left hand.
- Damon was kicked out of three universities during his human life.
- Damon loved gambling and drinking with his friends during his human life.
- Damon's twin flame soulmate is Bonnie McCullough.
- Damon was a very sporty, athletic person during his human years and a very competitive person as well. He engaged in pretty much all of the major sports of his time (The Renaissance Period). These included jousting, fencing/sword fighting, football, hunting and hawking, spear-throwing, archery, horseback riding, Pallone (which is similar to volleyball in the current times), Maglio (where a ball had to be put into a specific spot and the player who gets it the closest to the spot gets a "goal"), and Pome (which is a form of spear throwing at an apple).
- Damon has shown to be attracted or drawn (either intentionally or subconsciously) to red-haired/red-headed girls or women (for example: Princess Jessalyn D'Aubigne, Bonnie McCullough, Damaris, even Caroline Forbes). In Evensong: Paradise Lost, Damon spoke to a young woman named Kenzy simply because she was a pretty, attractive redhead and had some physical resemblance to Bonnie.
- Damon became a vampire a few months after his 23st birthday.
- Damon is the shortest male character in the entire series (only being between 5'7” and 5'9"). All of other male characters are either of average/above average height (Stefan is 5'9"/5'11") or tall (Matt is 6'1"/6'3", Alaric is 6'2", Tyler is 6'10", Klaus is 7'3").
- Damon's symbol is a crow or raven.
- Damon is able to shape shift or transform into a wolf.
- Damon's nickname or title for himself is "Prince of Darkness".
- It's possible that Damon may suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. He has suffered serious childhood trauma as he was physically and emotionally abused by an alcoholic father, has unstable emotions with extreme bouts of anger, lashes out in violence, is very aggressive, impulsive and reckless, has chaotic, unstable relationships with others, is extremely needy and possessive of those he loves, and has serious abandonment issues which stem from the sudden. tragic loss of his mother as a child.
- Damon always carries an ironwood dagger in his pocket.
- Damon's counterparts from LJ Smith's other series include Gabriel Wolfe (Dark Visions), Nick Armstrong (The Secret Circle), Julian (The Forbidden Game), Ash Redfern (Night World), Delos Redfern (Night World), John Quinn (Night World), and Morgead Blackthorn (Night World).
- Damon Salvatore & Gabriel Wolfe – TBA
- Damon Salvatore & Nick Armstrong – TBA
- Damon Salvatore & Julian – TBA
- Damon Salvatore & Ash Redfern – TBA
- Damon Salvatore & Delos Redfern – TBA
- Damon Salvatore & John Quinn – TBA
- Damon Salvatore & Moorhead Blackthorn – TBA