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The Celestial Guardians
Physical Appearance

The Celestial Guardians or the Guardian Angels of Order are the protectors of Order and are among the oldest of beings in the universe, living in the highest part of the Dark Dimension. They are first seen in the Vampire Diaries novel Shadow Souls when Elena and her friends travel there, they act as policeman, but do very less than they can to stop crime in the city. Elena describes them as selfish and cold in first seen in the book Shadow Souls. Not much is known about Celestial Guardians, but they are among the oldest creatures in the unverse, they are (and maybe older) as old as the Old Onesthe Original Pack, the Original Phantoms and the first Demons who lived at and/or before the foundation of human civilization. They are very powerful, but benevolent with a great deal of Powers that allow them to do a variety of things. The Devil was once one of them, but is now a member of the The Infernal Court which is the oposite of the Celestial Court.

In the Books[]

The Return: Shadow Souls[]

The Guardians don't make many appearances in the book, when Elena and her friends first arrive looking for Stefan in the Dark Dimension, they are inspected by a very beautiful woman with a striking resemblance to Elena. The woman is a Guardian and she is more interested in Elena than all others. The Guardian lets them into the city. Later, when Elena and her friends have found Stefan, they are being chased by a giant bird. The Guards do their best to make sure there is as less damage as possible, attacking the bird while helping the community escape. Elena and her friends escape the jail in success and make their way back to Earth.

The Return: Midnight[]

StefanDamonBonnie and Elena travel to the Dark Dimenion again to find Inari's (a fox goddess, the leader of Shinichi and Misao) starball. Elena and her friends travel to the Nether World where they find the Seven Kitsune Gates, which are Gates that lead to Seven Paradises. The Gate Keeper, Sage, allows them only to enter one Gate. While Elena yearns to enter the Gate that leads to the Fountain of Eternal Youth and Life, they all decide on a door which leads them to a moon in the Nether World with a wordly tree growing on the whole planet. Shinichi attacks them on a branch and ends up dying when he regrets ever coming into their lives. The protagonists then find the starball on a section of the tree and when they try to grab it, the tree unleashes its branches and kills Damon. Elena, heartbroken, unleashes her Wings of Destruction and burns the tree to ashes, destroys the starball and almost destroys the whole world/moon in the proccess and passes out. When she awakens, Sage tells her that their quest was not for nothing and they start a plan that'll get the attention of the Celestial Court: they would break the rules of the Seven Kistune Gates and take as many things to bargain with the Celestial Guardians for their help. After they raid the gates, the Celestial Guardians arrest them and take them to the Celestial Court. The team then descover that the car accident where Elena's parents died was a mission of the Celestial Guardians gone wrong as they were there to kill her to make her a Guardian and they are happy to help to apeas their fault. Elena angrily wishes that her life be as if Klaus has never come into their life, she demands that they bring Sue Carson and Vickie Bennett back from the dead and erase all the problems done by the Kitsune and she wants who ever their master is "dead". She wants the Guardians to make it as if she has never died and for everyone to accept Stefan as her boyfriend. The Guardians accept this with no problem until Elena stuburnly asks for Damon's life back. The Celestial Guardians tell Elena that they cannot and that they have no power over what happens vampires's souls when they die and that they had already searched for his soul and could not find it. Elena is extremely infuriated by this and re-summons her Wings of Destruction. The Guardians retaliate and stop her before she can destroy them all and strip her of all Wings Powers, but let her keep the aura of her blood. The Celestial Guardians still change reality in the way that Elena demanded, though and Elena wakes in her bed on Earth.

The Hunters: Destiny Rising[]
