Witches and Warlocks (also known as Magicians, Wizards, Sorcerers, and Mages) are a supernatural species of people with the power and ability to affect change by magical means (known as "Witchcraft"). A witch can be either male or female, as they connect with all of the elements and forces of nature in order to practice sorcery. While many witches are the self-proclaimed "Keepers of the Balance", "Architects of Supernatural" and "Servants of Nature", other witches have been known to work against the balance and use their power for selfish purposes and personal gain. Other terms for magic include Magic Manipulation, Magick, Magyk, Mystokinesis, Occultism, The Arcane Arts, The Art Of Magic, The Indistinguishable Science, The Magical Arts, The Mystic/Mystical Arts, Sorcery, Wizardry, Witchcraft, and Thaumaturgy.
Humans who practice magic and have magical powers and abilities are called "witches" and "warlocks". For all intents and purposes, witches and warlocks are considered to be supernatural humans. The origin of witchcraft remains a mystery, however it is known that witches have existed for many centuries, passing down their knowledge and skills through generations in family lines. Contrary to popular belief, witches do not receive their powers from demons, nor do they worship the devil. Instead, witches consider themselves the Servants of Nature, as they make it their job to maintain balance within the world. The opposite of Magic is Science Manipulation.
Types of Witches[]
Augury Witch[]
Similar to a shaman in practice, the augury witch will help to direct those on a spiritual quest by interpreting the signs and symbols the traveler encounters. The term derives from the official Roman augurs, whose function was not to foretell the future but to discover whether or not the gods approved of a proposed course of action by interpreting signs or omen such as the appearance of animals sacred to the gods. It is important to note that augury witches are not "fortune tellers", as their gifts are of prophecy and not divination.
Ceremonial Witch[]
Witches who combines both the practices of witchcraft and ceremonial magic, though they are more spiritually centered than most ceremonial magicians. Ceremonial witches are very exacting in the performance of ritual and their rituals are usually followed by the book, to the letter and with much ceremony. They may use a combination of various mystical disciplines drawn from the Old Ways, but will often incorporate scientific approaches such as sacred mathematics and quantum mysticism as well. They will call upon a ecclectic band of spiritual entities, leaning towards archetypal figures representative of the energies they wish to manifest.
Eclectic Witch[]
An individual approach in which the witch picks and chooses from many different traditions and creates a personalized form of witchcraft that meets their individual needs and abilities. They do not follow a particular religion or tradition, but study and learn from many different systems and use what works best for them.
Elemental Witch[]
A witch who practices by honoring/acknowledging the 4 or all 5 elements: Water, Earth, Air, Fire, and Spirit. Commonly an Elementalist will dedicate different areas of their altars to each element, call upon them during spells and rituals, and use symbols to represent each.
Faery (Fairy) Witch[]
An eclectic witch who seeks to commune with faery folk and nature spirits in their magick workings. They have no organization or tradition and it has developed of its own accord through common practice. (Not to be confused with the 'Feri Movement' [see below] )
Green (Garden) Witch[]
A practitioner of of witchcraft whose focus is on the use of natural items and places. The goal of the Green Witch is upon achieving magic through communion with Mother Nature and using Her energies. A Green witch is very similar to a Kitchen/Cottage witch (see below) with the exception that the Green witch practices in the fields and forest in order to be closer to the Divine spirit. The Green witch makes his or her own tools from accessible materials from outdoors. A Green or Garden Witch, that works primarily with floral materials and flowers in their practice is often called a Flora Witch and one who works with herbs and other plants a Herbal Witch.
Hedge Witch[]
Hedgecraft is a path that is somewhat shamanic in nature, as they are practitioners of an Earth-based spirituality. These are the ones who engage in spirit flight and journey into the Otherworld. They can, in this capacity, be very powerful midwives and healers. A bird of one kind or another is usually associated with the Hedge Witch, most commonly the raven and the goose. The term “hedge” signified the boundary of the village and represents the boundary that exists between this world and the spiritual realm.
Hereditary Witch[]
Also known as a Family Tradition Witch, it is someone who has been taught "The Old Ways " as a tradition passed down through the generations of their family. Though you may be born into a family with the tradition, you can not be born a witch, a conscious decision and acceptance of “The Craft” is necessary to become a witch. Many witches claim to be hereditary witches when in fact, they are not. You must be brought up in a family of witches to be a hereditary witch.
Kitchen (Cottage) Witch[]
A practitioner of witchcraft who uses the tools at hand to work their spells and create their rituals and who deals with the practical sides of religion, magick and the Elements of the Earth. Some who hear the term “Kitchen Witch” may think it is a magickal art confined only to the kitchen or cooking, but it is much more. It is about the finding of the sacred in everyday tasks, no matter how mundane they may appear to be. An increasingly popular type of witchcraft, it is about working with the energies of nature to make the hearth and home a secure and sacred place.
Secular Witch[]
One who practices a secular or non-theist approach to the Craft, not connecting with deities in their rituals and magick. Secular witches believe the energy used in their magick comes from the Earth and natural world and they will use tools like plants and herbs, crystals and stones, or other things that they do not worship as deities.
Solitary Witch (Solitaire)[]
One who practices alone, without a family or group and without following any particular tradition. Sometimes they are among that class of natural witches whose skills have been developed in previous lifetimes. There is a legend among witches that when an individual soul has practiced "the Craft" over a period of several lifetimes, the knowledge is reawakened upon reaching puberty.
Satanic Witch[]
A pernicious epithet used by those who wish to demonize those practicing witchcraft. Satanic worshippers are not witches. Traditional Witches do not worship Satan as this is a Christian concept not recognized in traditional pagan beliefs. Accordingly, the labels of “white witch” and “black witch , (popularly meaning a “good witch” as one who practices “white magic” and a “wicked witch” as one who practices “black magic”), are also misnomers as Traditional Witches practice a“natural magic” drawing on the forces of Nature and they refrain from attempting to manifest any form of black magic and the drawing down of negative or demonic energies.
In common, but incorrect usage, the definition of a warlock is said to be “a male version of a witch”. However there is much debate about the usage of the word among witches and male practitioners of the Traditional Craft, many of whom find the term offensive and prefer to be known simply as witches, never referring to themselves as warlocks. The most common etymology of the word can possibly be traced back to the old English or Scottish word "waerloka" which many centuries ago had the meaning "oath breaker" or even "traitor". In which case, the term oath breaker may have been applied to witches as they had 'broken their oaths' with the Christian church, by becoming witches. Conversely though, the word "waerlak" meant "honor bound" and exactly which word became associated with witchcraft is a matter of speculation. Today some wiccans will use the term "warlocking" to refer to the excommunication of someone from their group or "coven".
Types of Magic[]
Magic (or Witchcraft) is the power to affect change by supernatural means. Magic can often be split into benevolent and malevolent, though depending on the situation can also be neutral. Magic is a practiced technique that connects a person to the elements and forces of nature in order to practice witchcraft. Magic is a practice of witchcraft that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting, and spirit communication. It includes the practices of many cultures, nations and religions as well as many books and writings from ancient times. Depending upon the individual, some witches practice their power by certain belief systems, such as Shamanism, Voodoo, Wicca, or any number of other magical practices from countries and cultures all around the world. Although the majority of traditional witches are commonly portrayed as being kind and selfless humans who use their powers to maintain balance within the world, it has been proven that some witches are independent thinkers who may go against the Balance of Nature by practicing their powers for dark and sinister deeds.
Bright Magic[]
Bright Magic (or White Magic and Light Magic) is a form of sorcery that draws on benevolent powers, and may be used for positive purposes that deliberately causes help in some way (e.g. to cure or protect, to improve or restore, or for the benefit of others rather than for the profit of oneself.) In popular usage, the term "bright magic" is often used to describe any form of magic that obeys the Wiccan Rede.
Dark Magic[]
Dark Magic (or Black Magic, Black Arts, Dark Arts) is a form of sorcery that draws on malevolent powers, and may be used for negative purposes that deliberately causes harm in some way (e.g. to cause destruction or misfortune, to injure or kill, or for the profit of oneself rather than for the benefit of others.) In popular usage, the term "dark magic" is often used to describe any form of magic that disobeys the Wiccan Rede.
Traditional Magic[]
Traditional Magic (or Grey Magic) is the most popular form of sorcery among modern-day witches. Traditional magic draws on a neutral source of power, and may be used for either negative or positive purposes. In popular usage, the term "traditional magic" is often used to describe any form of magic that neither disobeys nor obeys the Wiccan Rede. Traditional magic is one of the oldest and purest forms of sorcery inherent to the Earth and the forces of nature. Traditional magic is undoubtedly the most popular form of witchcraft known-to-man, however it is also the most exhausting. This is mainly due to the fact whenever a witch uses this power they must exert their own energy, causing them to experience symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, and minor nosebleeds.
Sacrificial Magic[]
Sacrificial Magic is a very powerful form of sorcery that is highly dependent upon the ritualistic sacrifices of supernatural creatures and sometimes, even animals. Similar to expression, this form of sorcery draws its energy from the power of every supernatural creature that is sacrificed.
Expression Magic[]
Expression is an extremely powerful form of sorcery that draws on dark energy that is so malicious, it would supposedly demolish the world if it were ever called into existence. The details and history of expression remain unknown, however, the forces of expression are considered so powerful that many witches discredit it as magic, for it expands beyond the limitations of both ancient and modern witchcraft.
Spirit Magic[]
Spirit Magic was a very powerful form of sorcery that drew its energy from the Spirits who resided on the Underworld. Unlike other forms of magic, spirit magic can only be used how the Spirits see fit. If a witch abuses the power that is bestowed upon them, the Spirits may break their connection to the witch, preventing them from further harnessing their power.
Connective Magic[]
Connective Magic is a magical practice that allows a witch to draw the strength from another witch while augmenting the witch's power without hurting them. It can also be used to draw on the strength of an immortal to achieve true immortality in conjunction with the immortality slumber spell. However, neutralizing or killing said immortal being would similarly affect the witch.
Elemental Magic[]
Elemental Magic is a magical practice that involves the utilization of specific herbs and oils. A witch with enough magical power can interconnect Elemental Magic with their rituals and spells to enhance their power.
This type of magic has the power to utilize Alchemy, the mystic and scientific pursuit of the power of the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Panacea. Practitioners of this art/science are known as Alchemists. Magic users who practice this type of magic can utilize Alchemy, the mystic and scientific pursuit of the power of the Philosopher's Stone and Universal Panacea, focusing on Elemental Transmutation (ranging from transforming base materials into purer (lead or iron into silver or gold), creating golems to making permanent changes on the state of matter (making glass malleable), etc.), various forms of Elemental Manipulation (especially electricity and fire) and life-force (Immortality, Healing and even creating life or at the least clones/homunculi) by Potion Creation. They also know how to create magical items, although these are generally for practical use (ever-burning lamps).
Animal Magic[]
This type of magical practice has the power to perform animal related magic. The magic user that practices this type of magic can use magic to control the animals, transform themselves or others into animals, mimic animal traits and summon/create animal spirits and/or animals. They can communicate with animals, borrow their senses, possess them and otherwise use animals as extensions of themselves.
Armament Magic[]
This type of magic practice has the power to utilize magic involving weapons and/or amor. The magic user has the ability to use magic that revolves around weaponry and/or armor. The user has the ability to summon, manipulate, and create both normal and enchanted equipment of warfare out of magical power.
Blood Magic[]
This type of magic practice has the power to perform magical feats by using blood. The magic user has the inherent power in their blood to manipulate and/or fuel spell-casting. This is an ancient version that predates word-based magic and was considered by some to be more powerful. Blood Magic was a kind of magic based on the employment of blood which is an important component in many rituals, spells and other aspects of the supernatural world.
Body Magic[]
This type of magic practice has the power to utilize body-based magic. The magic user who uses this type of magic is able perform a legendary form of magic that allows the user to cast magical spells feats that can manipulate or use the body and its parts.
Chaos Magic[]
This type of magic practice has the ability to use the Chaos Magic. The user can utilize the Chaos Magic, they can manipulate and reconstruct the very fabric of existence to their whims and bring about total destruction to the cosmos.
Chi Magic[]
This type of magic practice has the power to use chi powers in the form of magic. Users of this power have mastered their inner and natural energies, also known as chi, and can utilize it as a form of magic.
Creation Magic[]
This type of magic practice has the power to utilize magic to create anything. User can utilize magic to create anything out of certain materials or magical energy, in any shape or form even with any kind of materials or even entities.
Crystal Magic[]
This type of magical practice has the ability to use Crystal Magic. User combines magic with various type of crystalline materials (Ice excluded) by preparing the crystalline materials from common glass to jewels, and using them for various purpose like heal wounds, summoning, creating a contracts, seals, etc. While crystalline materials can be divided into two categories of Condensed (created by the concentration of energy to the point that become solid or the crystallization of energy) and the Hand-made (crystalline mineral and material like a gem or glass), all the "product" of a can be divided into: a.) Charged: crystal object with inside energy that replace the energy of the mage for the spell or that can be used for replenish the user's energy; b.) Improvised: crystal created at the moment using crystalline material find "on the field", c.) Programmed: crystal with inside a specific spell that can be released when the crystal is used.
Demonic Magic[]
This type of magical practice has the ability to use demonic magic or sorcery. The user is capable of using demonic magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. This type of magic is usually used by a dark and evil entity or those related to them.
Destruction Magic[]
This type of magical practice has the power to utilize magic to cause destructive forces. The user of this power can utilize powerful and yet very dangerous spells which can unleash unstable magical energies which can destroy entities, and other powers.
This type of magical practice has the ability to gain insight into a question or situation using an occultic, standardized process or ritual. User can employ divination, a method of reading the future, the present and the past and/or provide help to a problem at hand by using an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Divination can be achieved by communicating with the supernatural (i.e. gods, demons, spirits, nymphs) or just by reading certain patterns.
Divine Magic[]
This type of magical practice has the ability to use divine magic or sorcery. This magic user is capable of using divine magic to achieve several feats such as creating, destroying and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. This type of magic is usually used by a transcendent being or those related to them. Some users might use it for evil purposes.
The ability to locate people, objects and resources without the use of scientific apparatus. Users are able to use this systematic method in order to track down various objects. Dowsing can also be used to track organic life through specific objects they've touched.
Hoodoo is a magical practice that mixes occult elements of African, European and Native American witchcraft along with some Christian mythology. Contrary to Voodoo, Hoodoo is not a religion, but rather an eclectic practice of witchcraft that is strongly based in herbal knowledge and can be used negatively or positively.
Kemiya is a magical practice that was founded in Arabia that allows a witch to change the elemental foundation of an object, and also allows them to imbue said creations with magic, thus creating a dark object. Kemiya is said to cross the boundary between magic and science, utilizing aspects of both.
Necromancy is a magical practice that allows a witch to contract, control and even revive the dead. While Necromancy is commonly considered a form of Dark Magic, however, it is known that a witch can use any magic of their choosing to practice Necromany.
Representational Magic[]
Representational Magic is a kind of magical practice which using representative objects to manipulate reality. Its origins remain unknown. Usually, such spells use much more power than one realizes. Its also a very delicate magic that requires considerable concentration by the witch who practices it.
Voodoo is a very old and powerful magical practice, that is also a religion, used by a number of witches. Voodoo is described as a set of spiritual folkways which originated from the traditions of the African diaspora. It is a cultural form of the Afro-American religions which developed within the French, Spanish, and Creole population of the U.S. state of Louisiana.
Common Magic Abilities[]
- Spell Casting: The act of changing and controlling events through the use of incantations and more.
- Spell Amplification: The skill to increase the strength, duration, and potential of spells.
- Spell Creation: The skill to increase the strength, duration, and potential of spells.
- Spell Destabilization: The power to destabilize spells in order to alter its properties.
- Spell Mixture: The power to merge separate spells into one effect.
- Potion Making: The act of brewing and concocting magical potions.
- Channeling: The act of invoking extra forms of energy by focusing on external sources of power.
- Binding: The power to bind, imprison or otherwise stop targets.
- Caging: Surrounding an object with barriers or otherwise restrict their actions, so they can move inside but have no way getting out. Examples: Card Imprisonment, Cocoon Generation, Container Imprisonment, Dimensional Imprisonment, Gut Imprisonment, Mind Imprisonment, Personal Void, Picture Imprisonment and Photographic Encapsulation.
- Chaining: Surrounding an object by robes/chains/lines that keep them confined. Examples: Chain Manipulation, Constriction, Energy Whip Construction.
- Disabling: Disabling the target by preventing their bodies/nerves from reacting. Examples: Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement.
- Entombing: Surrounding an object completely by substance or other medium, so they can't move at all, or at best wiggle slightly. Examples: Burying, Drowning, Elemental Imprisonment, Telekinesis.
- Immobilization: Object(s) is locked/anchored on certain spot but can otherwise act. Examples: Immobility, Paralysis Inducement, Telekinesis, Time Stopping.
- Summoning: The power to summon forth an object, person, animal, or organism.
- Banishment: The power to banish an object or being from a specific place.
- Astral Projection: The power to project the astral body from outside of the physical body in order to travel from one location to another.
- Aura Reading: The power to perceive energy fields surrounding various people, places and things.
- Divination: The act of divining future, past, and present events based off extrasensory perception.
- Astrology: The practice of divination through observation of the Moon, Sun, and other planets in the belief that their positions affect human behavior.
- Acultomancy: Form of divination in which the user uses needles for divination.
- Agalmatomancy: Form of divination by the means of statues or teraphim for divination.
- Aichmomancy: Form of divination by using sharp objects for divination.
- Astromancy: Form of divination in which the user interprets the future through the movement of celestial bodies in certain houses which is believed to affect the future.
- Bibliomancy: Form of divination using books in divination or for advice. The method of employing sacred books (especially specific words and verses) for 'magical medicine', for removing negative entities, or for divination is widespread in many religions of the world.
- Catoptromancy: Power to use reflective surfaces to see people or objects far away from the user.
- Crystallomancy: Form of divination in which the user uses crystals for divination.
- Elementomancy - form of divination in which the user uses the elements for divination.
- Aeromancy - form of divination in which the user interprets and reads the future through atmospheric conditions (i.e. cloud formations, wind currents, comets, thunder and lightning). It was said to be one of the seven "forbidden arts" along with geomancy, hydromancy, pyromancy, palmistry, necromancy and scapulimancy (the divination of the bones).
- Abacomancy - form of divination in which the user uses the patterns in dust, dirt, silt and sand for divination.
- Numeromancy - form of divination in which the user uses the numbers for divination.
- Oneiromancy - form of divination in which the user uses the dreams for divination.
- Necromancy: The power to manipulate the forces of Death.
- Cartomancy: The practice of divination through the use of tarot cards.
- Clairvoyance: The practice of divination through the perception of emotions, objects, people, or physical phenomena.
- Intuition: The practice of divination through the use of instinctive knowledge.
- Palmistry/Somatomancy: The practice of divination based off the features indicated on the human palm.
- Premonitions: The practice of divination through the observation and study of dreams.
- Precognition: The power to perceive future events before they happen.
- Psychometry: The practice of divination through contact with or proximity to a certain object or person.
- Rune Reading: The practice of divination based off the positions and symbols of runic stones.
- Scrying: The practice of divination through crystal-gazing or other forms of fortune tells.
- Tasseomancy: The practice of divination based off the positions and symbols of tea leaves.
- Elemental Control/Nature Control: The power to control and manipulate the elements of air, earth, fire and water.
- Aerokinesis: The power to control and manipulate the element of air.
- Geokinesis: The power to control and manipulate the element of earth.
- Hydrokinesis: The power to control and manipulate the element of water.
- Pyrokinesis: The power to control and manipulate the element of fire.
- Etherkinesis: The power to generate and manipulate Aether (also called Ether in some circles), the unique essence that flows through most of existence.
- Umbrakinesis/Erebokinesis: The power to manipulate darkness/shadows.
- Electrokinesis/Fulgurkinesis: The power to manipulate electricity.
- Ergokinesis: The power to manipulate energy.
- Cryokinesis: The ability to manipulate cold and ice.
- Photokinesis: The power to manipulate light.
- Netherkinesis: The power to generate, conjure, and manipulate Nether, the essence that flows through the realms of the Living and the Dead.
- Empathy: The power to identify the emotional feelings of another person.
- Levitation: The power to float or rise the physical body within midair through mental influence.
- Longevity: The power to live for hundreds (possibly thousands) of years while maintaining a beautiful and youthful appearance.
- Mind Control: The power to control and manipulate the behavior and thoughts of another living creature.
- Telekinesis: The act of controlling and manipulating the movement of objects and persons through mental influence.
- Telepathy: The power to hear the thoughts and read the minds of another person.
- Teleportation: The act of disappearing from one location and instantly reappearing in another location through supernatural means.
- Transfiguration: The act of changing and transforming the physical body into the form of another.
- Witches Brew: The act of brewing and concocting magical potions that contain mystical properties.
- Pain Infliction: The power to inflict great pain onto a person by causing their blood vessels to burst and thus giving them multiple aneurysms. The level of this depends on the witch.
- Evocation: The power to call upon the forces of nature through magic. The user can use magic to call upon the physical, psychic and spiritual forces of nature. This is mainly used for offensive purposes but can be used for defensive ones as well.
- Conjuration: The power to transport living and non-living things.
- Abjuration: The power to protect/heal.
- Enchantments: The power to influence the minds/emotions.
Spells and Rituals[]
Spells are a series of words that when recited, produce a magical effect. Often accompanied by ritual actions, spells range from simple commands to complex incantations. They are most often spoken in English, but there are instances when other languages are used, most likely depending on the caster's preference or lingual fluency.
Potions are magical substances brewed using a combination of various ingredients, most commonly herbs. Although potions are most often made in the form of a liquid, they can also be powders.
Plants and Herbs[]
Due to their magical properties, certain plants and herbs are used in spell casting or the preparation of a potion. They may provide power on their own, but when combined with other plants or even precious stones in the form of a potion or talisman, the magical potential is greater.
Crystals and Gemstones[]
Crystals and gemstones have no power on their own, but when used by a witch they can produce extraordinary magical results such as healing poisons. They are often fashioned in the form of talismans or amulets and can be worn as jewelry.
Common Weaknesses[]
- Disbelief: The act of denying or disbelieving in one's potential could cause a witch to inadvertently suppress their magical power.
- Distraction: Any person, substance, or thing that prevents a witch from giving full attention to their spells can hinder a witch from effectively practicing witchcraft.
- Fear: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the condition or feeling of being afraid could cause a witch to involuntarily block their own powers for a short time.
- Apathy: A witch or magic user can lose their magical powers if they become apathetic or lose hope and the will to practice magic.
- Herbs: Ingestion of certain herbs can cause a witch to lose consciousness and prevent them from using magic for a undetermined amount of time. Another herb, Lobelia flower prevents concentration and the practice of magic and can be used to weaken a witch as one would weaken a vampire with vervain.
- Magic: All creatures are susceptible to the forces of witchcraft including dark objects, potions, spells and more.
- Mortality: Based off the fact that witches are still human, they share many of the same weaknesses as non-supernatural beings (e.g. age, decapitation, disease, heart-failure, suffocation, snapped neck, etc.)
- Overexertion: The excessive use of magic could lead to disorientation, nose bleeds, unconsciousness, and if taken to the extreme, death.
- Witchcraft: All magic can be undone through the use of witchcraft and with enough magical power any spell can be broken. The latter was mentioned by Rebekah in Sanctuary.
- Nature: It is said that nature will always find a balance when witchcraft is performed and spells will always have loopholes. This means, among other things, that no being can be truly immortal, even thew witch that may have conducted an immortality spell or immortality magic on themselves.
- Bound Objects: Spells that persist beyond the moment when they are cast require that they be bound to a person or object so that they remain active, if the object is destroyed the spell will end. Famous bound objects include the moonstone and the anchor which bound the hybrid curse and other side respectively before they were destroyed.
- Magic Resistance: This is when someone has the power to be highly resistant to Magic. The person is resistant to most, if not all, forms of magic and magical power, possibly with ability to select which types of magics they are resistant to while others are may be restricted to a specific one.
- Magic Immunity: This is when a person has the ability to be unaffected by Magic in any way. The person is invulnerable to most, if not all, forms of magic and magical powers. Advanced users may be able to select which spells they can be affected.
- Magic Negation: The person with this ability is able to nullify the magical powers of others. The user can negate superhuman powers and effects that originate from magic. Spells, curses, hexes, jinxes and charms may all be negated by the user. In addition, magical objects/items and potions are rendered useless, while the effect of ley lines is diminished, according to the user's level of power. Magical creations even weaken, and eventually crumble, disperse or dissolve in the user's presence.
- Spell Negations: People with this ability have the power to negate spells. The user can negate any and all forms of spells ranging from the most powerful of spells to least and faint spells.
- Bargains/Deals/Prices: When bargains or deals are made or struck in the name of magic, there is always a price for both the person conducting the magic and the person who strikes the deal in the name of magic. That is why it is important to always make sure you know what the price is, because it will come back to haunt you. It will be paid, one way or another. The price can range from something as insignificant as the magical energy required to activate your magic, a part of your sanity, or even something devastating, like your own life, or worse.
- Inexperience: Without the knowledge or proper skill, the intended use of a spell can create unpredictable or potentially dangerous results.
- Lack Of Focus/Concentration: If those who practice magic do not have good concentration or focus, the consequences can be very dangerous and detrimental, both to the witch conducting the magic, to the individuals the magic is being conducted on, or to innocent people who are in no way involved in a magical situation.
- Unpredictability: Magic is unpredictable, if one gets too creative or is interrupted in a crucial moment. Results range from amusing to annoying, but mendable, to destructive to lethal, to Catastrophic to Apocalyptic.
- Rules/Laws Against Magic: Society with knowledge about magic is likely to have rules/laws about its use, and areas of magic that are forbidden or banned. In some societies, magic may be limited to a specific class or status.
- Number of Targets Affected: Magic may be limited to certain number of people or targets at a time.
Magic Paraphernalia[]
- Book of Shadows/Grimoires/Spell Books: A family journal documented with ancient recipes, rituals, and spells.
- Candles: Materials used to amplify a witch's spell.
- Herbs and Oils: Materials used as ingredients for brewing and concocting paranormal potions.
- Talismans: Materials used to amplify a witch's power.
- Amulets: An object that is used to protect its wearer from harm.
- Athames: A ceremonial dagger with a double-edged blade that is commonly used to direct energy
- Cauldrons: A large metal pot that is commonly used to hold the ingredients for elixirs and potions.
- Stones: Various minerals and ores used to boost or bind a witch's spell.
- Symbols: Seals drawn or written used as physical representations of spells.
The Rede[]
The Rede (or the Wiccan Rede) is a spiritual belief system based around the observance of Mother Nature and reverence of the Gods. The main goal of all Wiccans is to honor the design of nature and to maintain stability within the world. The balance of nature is intimately tied to one's spiritual relationship with the divine, and the idea that all things (e.g. animals, humans, life, etc.) are considered sacred, as they are all different aspects of nature. Contemporary Wiccans would also agree that using modern ceremonies, rituals and shamanic practices is the best way to attune themselves with the natural rhythms of the universe in their efforts to obtain guidance and knowledge from the God and Goddess.
Wicca is a religion whose adherents are alternatively called Wiccans. By contrast, traditional witchcraft is not a religion, but a universal magical practice that transcends any religious belief or lack thereof. While Wiccans generally acknowledge and revere a pantheon of gods and goddesses, traditional witches may belong to any religion or none, they may believe in a God or gods or they may be atheists. According to Bonnie, Wicca is an earth-centered, polytheistic religion, where the adherents are extremely conscious of their one "law" called the Wiccan Rede which advises them to "Harm None".
Witchcraft (Television Series)[]
Witchcraft is a practice of magic that encompasses many different types of activities including astrology, divination, spell casting, and spirit communication. It includes the practices of many cultures, nations and religions as well as many books and writings from ancient times. Depending upon the individual, some witches practice their power by certain belief systems, such as Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, or any number of other magical practices from countries and cultures all around the world. Although the majority of traditional witches are commonly portrayed as being kind and selfless humans who use their powers to maintain balance within the world; in the case of Greta and Maddox, it has been proven that some witches are independent thinkers who may go against the Wiccan Rede by practicing their powers for dark and sinister deeds.
Known Witches In Book Series[]
- Unnamed Celtic Druids
- Honoria Fell
- Mrs. Theophilia Flowers
- Lilias MacLachlan
- Janet McCullough
- Sheena McCullough
- Paisley McCullough
- Maisie McCullough
- Elpsie McCullough
- Karen McCullough
- MacKenzie McCullough
- Blaire McCullough
- MacKenna McCullough
- Shaylee McCullough
- Ainsley McCullough
- Moira McCullough
- Kirsteen McCullough
- Coleen McCullough
- Malvina McCullough
- Jamesina McCullough
- Elise McCullough
- Davina McCullough
- Effemy McCullough
- Finella McCullough
- Freya McCullough
- Delaney McCullough
- Quinn McCullough
- Cora McCullough
- Edina McCullough
- Forba McCullough
- Gavina McCullough
- Iona McCullough
- Adaira McCullough
- Peyton McCullough
- Robina McCullough
- Evanna McCullough
- Adamina McCullough
- Catriona McCullough
- Malina McCullough
- Glenna McCullough
- Mary McCullough
- Kenina McCullough
- Bonnie Binnet
- Isla MacLachlan